Chapter 23

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My head felt like someone was sitting on it. My chest felt heavy. My arms felt numb. What happened?

I looked beside me where Matt was sleeping his arm placed gently over my tummy. The other arm under his head.

How long have I been in here?

I shifted slightly trying my best not to wake him up but he woke up anyway.

"What happened? Are you hurt?"

I shook my head no.

"Can you talk?"

I cleared my throat a couple of times before asking "How long have I been in here?" Gosh I sounded like a monster. It felt like I haven't spoken in days.

" Today makes day 27,"

"27 days!" I yelled trying to shoot up.

"Shhhh take it slow please. You'll harm yourself and believe me, that's the last thing I want right now, "

"What happened?"

"I don't know. One minute you were fine and I take my eyes off of you and then the next your screaming in pain and your body was cold and then to make it worst you told me loved me like in those movies where the people knew you were gonna die and I thought you died only to find out it was a heart attack that you had and you left me for 23 days only to wake up and leave me again for another two days and now you're here, "

I looked at him in horror. I can't remember any of this. My hands automatically went to my baby.

He looked down smiling then looked back up. "She's okay. They're going to have to take her early though she's getting bigger by the week, "

I relaxed a bit before saying "It all feels like a dream, "

He made a weird noise "I wish it was a dream, "

"Well I only spoke with God for a couple of minutes I didn't know it was days, "

He paused. His body stiffening. "Well, what did you guys talk about?"

"You know, the regular. I told him I was pregnant and that I got married to a horny man, " I paused gigging for a bit then clearing my throat. "It was so beautiful Matt. Heaven or at least the part that I saw. He told me that I should rest for a while and then I can go back. I didn't know what he was talking about but in the last few minutes I kept hearing your voice and then I looked at Him wondering why you sounded so far away. Well I didn't actually look at Him because it was just a bright light but I heard His voice. It was so gentle you had to listen hard to hear Him. He didn't yell like people think and it wasn't deep. It was like a whisper. I asked Him what happened to you and why you sounded so sad. He told me that I had to come back and I'll find out. He said He'll see me again so I came back, "

"You told Him I was horny?"

I rolled my eyes. "Of course that's all you got out of this, "

He smiled a very sad smile before placing his forehead on mine. "I thought you left me permanently. I thought you weren't gonna come back and I'd be a single dad for the rest of my life. I thought you-"

I placed my fingers on his lips smiling at him. "You can't get rid of me so soon. I'm sorry I left you. I didn't mean to hurt you, "

He kissed my fingers moving them away from his lips.

We started at each other for a while.

"I love you, " I said loving the way I felt after saying that.

He closed his eyes and said "say it again, "

"I love you, "

"One more time, "

I laughed "I love you Matthew James, "

He smiled opening his eyes "I love you too. So much, "

"I know, "

He moved slightly his body completely facing mine.

"It feels so good, "

"What does, "

"Knowing that I'll be able to have sex again, "

"Oh brother, " I said rolling my eyes.

"As soon as this baby comes out I'll-"

I cut him off before he could get any further "I hope you know it will take about three months until we can do that again, "

He looked like he saw a ghost.

Not being able to hold it in anymore I busted out laughing.

"I'm glad you could get humor out of this, " he said sarcastically.

"I'm only kidding. But we do have to wait six weeks, "

"Four weeks, "

"Matt this is not up for debate. You're just going to have to go through the torture, "

"Then I'm going to  torture you with me, "

"How so?"

"I'm going to make you want me just as much as I want you, "

"How do you know I don't want you right now?"

He looked at me searching to see if I was joking.

I wasn't.

He groaned. "You said six weeks?"

"After the baby is here, "

Another groan.

Rachel is back which means Matt is back...if you know what I mean.

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