Chapter 19

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I sucked it up and went to work today enough was enough. Rachel will be fine. She has no choice but to be. She's is currently seven months pregnant and bigger than ever. She looked like she could be eight

"Sir!" Ying yelled jumping up.


"How is she? I tried to call and I couldn't get through and I'm not a stalker so I-"

"She's fine. Just pray that she'll continue to be fine. Even better than fine, "

"Oh gosh can I talk to her?"

I chuckled "Ying?"

"Yes sir?"

I stopped at the door and opened it "You know my address. You're always welcome, " and then closed the door.

I turned up the worship music and drowned myself in paperwork never stopping to eat. My body did paperwork but my mind said a prayer.

Signing off on the last document I looked at the time and saw that it was 5 pm. Time to head home.

I got my things together and made my way to the door.

"I'm coming with you!" Young yelled and I turned to face her.

"I mean may I come with you sir?"

Sir. Everyone called me Sir but the person who I wanted to call me that.

"Forgive me Lord for I have sinned, " I mumbled.


"It's Matthew Ying. I've been gone for five months not five years, "


I haven't been here in so long I forgot how many times I had to correct her a day. Giving up I sighed and said "I'm leaving now. You can pack up and trail behind me, "

And so she did. We drove home her tailing me and was greeted with the smell of curry when I opened the door.

"Honey? Is that you? I've missed you so-- Ying!"


The two squeezed each other into a hug-well they tried to anyway.

"Oh my bubble gum how are you? How's the baby? You're huge!"

"I am pretty big aren't I? I'm a bit over seven months and I'm okay the baby is doing great, "

"Oh she's adorable, " Ying said placing her hands on Rachel's stomach.

"You haven't even seen her yet, " Rachel said laughing.

"But she will be, "

That's right Ying. She will be because she's going to live.

Rachel turned her focus back to me.

"Hi baby, I tried to get to the door on time but this little one had other plans, "

Before I could respond Sarah barged in.


"Oh Sarah my goodness you have grown so much since the last time I saw you, "

"I know its almost like I got older, "

"Oh and the sarcasm has gotten better, "

"Why thank you,"

I got so caught up in the conversation I didn't realize that Rachel slipped out. I start shifting to go find her not having an easy feeling of her being alone but my mom came in to see what all the excitement was about.


"Yes mom?"

"You're home, " she said running up to greet me.

"I'm home, "

"The house felt a little bit off without you today, "

" I'm sure Rachel---"

"Ahhhhh, " Rachel said screaming from upstairs. I heard something falling after that.

Everything froze as I dropped my things in my hand and raced upstairs before anyone could process what happened.

"Where are you?" I asked busting the room door open only to find it empty. I checked the bathroom and no sign of her. The blood rushing all over my body made me dizzy.

"Rachel where the hell are you?" I yelled freaking out.

"My baby, " I heard coming from the nursery.

I ran across the hall to see Rachel on all fours struggling to get up. But that wasn't what scared me. It was the look she gave me. Her eyes held so much in them as she screamed out in pain again and again.

"Somebody call 911!" I yelled as I rushed over to her.

"Talk to me baby, "

"I- it hurts. It hurts so much, " she said now sobbing. Her breath getting heavier and heavier.

"I can't get up. I can't--ahhhh, "

I silently begged God to let me have it. Let me have the pain I didn't care how bad it was seeing her like this and being helpless was even more painful.

"I said somebody call 911!"

"They're on their way, " mom said stooping down beside me a worried look on her face.

That wasn't enough.

I gathered her in my arms determination kicking in.

"Where are you going?" Ying asked.

"I'm meeting them half way, "

Before anyone could ask any more questions I found my way downstairs with my wife in my hands crying out in pain.

"Life is her portion Lord please I pray that all type of pain will be removed from her body immediately. I pray that whatever the devil is trying to attack her with that in the name of Jesus he will not win. He's defeated in Jesus name, "

I opened the door and starting jogging down the street.

"Talk to me Rachel, "


"Come on baby you have to talk to me, "

I could feel her heartbeat. Her body was getting cold and my heart started to cry out to God. She was just doing fine she was smiling why is this happening?

As if the timing couldn't be any worse Rachel finally spoke but she didn't say the words I wanted to hear.

"I love Matt. I love you so much. Save our baby, "

"No no no no, " I said picking up my pace. I covered two blocks.

She started breathing like she was drowning trying to save herself.  Her hands falling from my neck. I could hear the sirens coming closer.

"No baby talk to me. Tell me you love me later, "

But she didn't say anything. She didn't even move.



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