Chapter 12

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Today. It had to happen today. It's day four of the entire family being here and with the days going by and by it's harder to pretend that everything is fine.  I got what I wanted, Matt got some rest, laughter filled the home again but all good things must come to an end.

I sat on the couch trying my hardest not to stress about the situation so the pain will lessen. Matt intertwined our fingers earning him my full attention.

"If I could take it all I would. The pain, the stress, the worry, the hurt...if I could go through it all so you wouldn't have to I would. No second thoughts, "

I smiled at him squeezing his hand. It didn't take rocket science to know that he was scared out of his mind as well but I knew that if he could he really would.

"I just don't want everything to go back to the way it was. I don't want everyone walking around looking dead. I already went through it with you and just more people will make it worse, "

He tensed but it's true. It hurt me seeing him like that and knowing that I was the cause of it. That it was my fault. I was the reason for it.

"It's not your fault, " Matt said sternly as if reading my mind. "And yes I should have done better. I let my emotions get the best of me and for that I'm sorry, "

"Don't apologize Matt. It happens, "

"I know but you deserve one because I know it's even harder for you, "

I smiled this time my lips getting wider.

"We should tell them sooner rather than later. The house is calm. I think now is the best time, " he said.

"I was thinking the same thing. It would be cruel to spill the info when everyone is enjoying themselves but is it selfish of me to want a little bit more of what we currently have?"

"Not at all, "

"Cmon let's do this before I change my mind, "

With that, we got up and headed for the main room. Everyone was chit-chatting but most importantly everyone was in one place which made it the perfect time.

"We have to talk, " I said gaining everyone's attention. It didn't make sense to beat around the bush. I just wanted to get this over with.

"Is everything alright honey?" my dad asked.

I looked at Matt silently begging him to help me. You think you can prepare for things like this but no amount of 'practice' can prepare you for this.

"No dad, everything is far from okay, " Matt said causing my mom to sit up straight.

"Well what's the matter?"  my father-in-law asked.

"You guys might want to sit for this, " Matt said pulling me down with him. Here we go.

As Matt sat and spoke to them I took the opportunity to take in everyone's face. I knew it was bad because for the first time in my life my mother had nothing to say. I watched as she opened and closed her mouth as she gripped dad's leg.

"So there's a high chance that she won't make it after giving birth and an even higher chance that the both of them being her and baby won't make it, " Matt said laying the icing on the cake.

Silence. I could hear the train miles away from our home right now.

"What is high?" my mom asked in a shaky voice.

"80% chance, " I whispered not making eye contact with her. "Only a 20% of me making it out alive and 7% chance of me and our baby making it out alive, "

"SEVEN PERCENT!" my dad yelled breaking his silence.

" percent what is this?" he said getting up abruptly.

"Marcus, " my mom said trying to calm my father but he had another plan.

"Don't!" he said his face furious.

I closed my eyes shut letting out a defeated sigh. This was like Matt all over again.

"Maybe you should sit down eh? You don't want to—"

Matt's dad was cut off with my dad laughing like...I don't even know what it is. Sounded worse than Scar from the Lion King.

"Don't try to tell me what to do! Your child isn't the one that's dying!"

"Father that is enough!" I yelled standing up only to immediately fall back down.

The pain. It was the worst it has ever been.

As Matt rushed in front of me to check if I was okay all I could think of was my baby...our baby.

God please don't take our baby.


--------------------------------------------------------------I pushed myself to write this today. I'm glad I did. Welp y'all. There you go.

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