Chapter 11

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Facing my family the next morning was like getting caught with my hands in the cookie jar. Except I didn't do anything.

Last night I took a shower. A very cold shower and was knocked out by the time Matt put my socks on. Me not going downstairs after the whole miscommunication thing makes it look even worse. Except I did nothing wrong.

"Well you look glowy this morning, " my mom said interrupting my thoughts.

Of course. If it wasn't gonna be anyone that would give hints about last night's events, which might I add never happened, it would be my mother.

"Good morning mother, " I said not paying her comment any attention.

"Woah and I get a good morning. Taste and see that the Lord is good. Who knew getting some-"

"If you finish that sentence mom I will call in the big guy, "

"You slave nine months only to birth a backstabber, " she mumbled.

Ignoring her I decide to make her useful. "Wanna help make breakfast?"

"Look at me Rachel. Look at me real good. Do I look like I want to help fix breakfast?" she asked

"The eggs are on the top shelf of the fridge, "

"Who do you think I am?"

"My mom...I literally have been calling you mom every day for the past at least 17 years"

"You have a smart mouth, " she said while opening the fridge.

"I learn from the best, "

"She sure does, " my dad mumbled


"Good morning papa, " I said running into my father's arm.

"My baby girl. How are you feeling honey?"

"I'm sure she's feeling wonderful. Maybe energetic?"

"Darling maybe we shouldn't-"

"It's okay dad. It's not like she will listen anyway, "

"You know me so well, "

"Umm I'm going to go with my pal and get some beer and stuff, " dad said grabbing the car keys

"For breakfast?"

"No that's the and stuff, "

"Okay bye have fun and be safe. Pray before you leave that driveway please, "

"Yes ma'am, "

"Mom can you also pass the turkey bacon and the texas toast please. That's Matts favorite, "

"You couldn't tell me this when I was getting the eggs?"

I was trying to control my breathing. Trying not to give any hints that I wasn't okay. The pain was starting to resurface. Matt's upstairs sleeping for the first time in a while. He's gonna kill me but I'll deal with him later. The good thing is Matts sleeping, the family happy, people are laughing and having a good time. I want it to stay this way as long as possible before the news breaks.

"Rachel you okay?"

I looked up at my mother realizing that my posture was not the best. My hand was on my stomach and I was hunched over the counter.

"Yes mom I'm pregnant. I think that explains a lot, "

And just like that, we were back to normal.

"Good morning, " my father-in-law said rushing out of his room. He gave each of kissing before heading out the door to I'm guessing meet my father.

I turned off the kettle mom turned on before I came down and made Matt a cup of tea.

"Hey mom don't start yet I'm gonna bring this up to this lover of mine, "

"I don't need you to show me how to do this thank you very much. You go up there and do what you do and I'll get a headstart, "

So that's what I did. You heard what the woman said. Who was I to stop her?

Thank goodness the stairs were not in front of the kitchen because it took me a good minute to safely get up there.

I placed the cup on the nightstand as quietly as I could and took a seat beside my favorite person.  It was my turn to return the sweet gestures he's been showering me with.

I lightly placed kisses all over his face until he started stirring and his eyes begin to flutter open.

"Good morning my love, " I said placing my hands on his face. I truly loved this man. It hurt so much that one day possibly very soon we'll be separated by death.

"Good morning love bug, " he said bringing my hands to his lips and placing a kiss on them. "What time is it?"


"Ten fifty what!?" he asked sitting up.

"Calm down. You needed the sleep. You and I both know that, "

Before he could say anything I took the mug up and held it in front of him.

"Please tell me you didn't go downstairs by yourself, "

I sighed. Here we go.

"Rachel Michelle Mconner, "

I placed my fingers on his lips "Yes, yes I did. If I wasn't feeling the strength to go down or come up you and I both know I wouldn't do that. If it was just me then fine but we have a baby. I would never purposefully put our baby in harm, "

"I know I just...I still want to take care of you, "

"And you are, " I said holding the tea closer to him. "Now let me take care of you, "

He smiled before he slowly smirked. "Take care of me huh?"

"You horny son of a bubble gum, "  I said shooting off the bed as he burst out laughing while sipping his tea.

"Dirty-minded, nasty-"

"I love you too, "

"Son of a bubble gum, " I said before closing the bathroom door.

--------------------------------------------------------------Hope everyone had a happy fourth of July weekend! Mine was okay. Lol Matt might just be my favorite character so far. Who's yours?

*Sorry for the grammatical errors you guys know I write these chapters and publish them at the same time. I don't prewrite or anything like that. I don't write best when I follow those methods*

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