Chapter 22

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Day 23

"How is she?" my mother-in-law asked. There still wasn't anyone else allowed up here.

"She's the same, " I said trying not to think too much about it. I feel like a failure. Like I've failed her. Like I've failed our family. I prayed, I fasted, I praised, I fasted some more, I've anointed literally everything and anything and prayed some more, I've decreed, I've declared. Nothing.

"Everything is going to be alright. Whether...whether she-"

"I know, " I said cutting her off. My heart is breaking for her as her voice begins to crack but there's nothing we could do. Nothing I could do.

"I'll call you guys later, " I said not wanting to bare any more of this

"Okay. Love ya, bye, "

I hung up the phone and threw it on my backpack.

I kneeled down in front of the window placing my head in my hands "If You're going to take her home, I will not question You. You know what I want but most importantly let Your will be done. If she's going home, I'll be okay. I'm not upset with You. I will continue to serve You with everything I have. I will-"

I stopped seeing a movement behind me.

I looked behind me and nearly broke a bone trying to get to her.

"Hey baby, " I said the tears spilling.

She's awake. Her eyes were wide open. Her hand trying to move. She looked at me with love in her eyes. God I love her so much.

"Hi sweetheart, " I said placing my hand in hers.

She couldn't say anything for the tube was still down her throat but she gave my hand the slightest squeeze.

I want to call for a doctor but I'm scared that if I move she'll go back to sleep.

Looking around the bed I found the emergency button and pushed it.

"Everything is going to be okay. The baby is fine. She's doing great. Don't ever leave me like this again. Don't ever do this to me again do you hear me?"

She only looked at me like I grew two heads.

The doctors came bursting through the door.

"She's awake, " one said

"That's impossible, " another said.

Doctor Kelly ignored them all and came over to where we were.

"Hi Mrs. Mconner I'm doctor Kelly. You've been in the hospital for a while now because of your condition. Squeeze my hand if you can understand what I'm saying," he said placing his hand in hers and she squeezed it. His eyes widened "Impossible,"

It was my turn to look at him like he was crazy.

"Umm Mr. Mconner you'll need to shift so we can take the tube out of her mouth to see if she can talk,"

I got up as quickly as I can allowing them to do what they did.

She's awake. Thank you Jesus.

I sent a quick text to the family group chat telling them she woke up and that I'll update them later before returning my focus back on her. She's awake.

They took the tube out and adjusted her so that she could see everyone.

"Mrs. Mconner can you say something? Anything?"

She cleared her throat a little bit before saying in a low hoarse voice. "Water, "

Water? Then it clicked.

"She needs some water, " I said looking around the room for any liquid.

"Somebody get her water!" Dr. Kelly yelled and two of them ran out of the room.

She's awake. Oh God she's awake. I told myself I would never love another woman...never look in another woman's direction if she left me. My focus would be on our baby. But she didn't leave. She's here. She's awake.

Her eyes found mine in the midst of the chaos and she smiled reaching her hand out for me. I took it holding hers in mine as we waited for someone to bring water.

I placed my head on hers kissing her giving my all into the kiss. I didn't care who was watching. It could be the President I didn't care. I missed her.

After a couple of seconds, Dr. Kelly cleared his throat.

"Do you still want the water?"

👀 look who decided to wake up.

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