Chapter 2

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Something is wrong. Something is wrong. Something is wrong. We never hide anything from each other and my mind keeps thinking of the worst scenario.

"Please don't let it be cancer Jesus please don't let it be cancer, " I said my voice cracking as I try to keep it together.

I rub my eyes from the tears threatening to spill and pay attention the road. The song 'You Presence is Heaven to Me' by Israel Houghton begins playing and I sing along while I try to not think about the worst.

I couldn't help it anymore as my breath starts to get heavy and heavier and I try to pay attention to where I'm going.

"She's okay. Everything is fine. You're overthinking it, " I said and I take the next exit off the highway.

I felt a presence surround me as I parked my car at the office. It felt like a big warm hug except there was no one there. I close my eyes resting my head back on the seat and my breathing starts to go back to a normal rate. I know it's the Holy Spirit. I take one last deep breath before opening my eyes.

"Everything is okay, " my mind repeats over and over again. So I believed it. Everything is okay.

I stepped out of the car with my briefcase and lunch bag and made my way into the building.

"Morning boss, " Richard the security guy greeted me as he opened the door.

"Good morning, and how are you?" I asked walking in before saying. "Thank you, "

"No offense boss but it's Monday, " he said giving me small smile.

Monday to Thursday we're full days at the office. Friday everyone worked at home and on weekends everyone had time off.

"I feel ya Rich. I feel the same way, "

I took the elevator upstairs and greeted my secretary.

"Good morning Ying, " I said while walking up to her desk. She didn't need an office seeing that only my office was on this floor. The rest of the room was used to do whatever she liked.

Her head lifted up from her desk before she smiled "Good morning sir, " she said getting up with some papers in her hand and walking with me towards my office.

"Okay, so three important things today that need to be done. You have a meeting with one of the investors today at 2, we need to finalize the contract for the architect, and our monthly staff meeting is today so you need to pick a time, " Ying says stopping in front of my desk.

"Tell everyone that I'll see them in the break room in the next half an hour. Let's the meeting over with, "

"Done, anything else?"

"That's all Ying thank you, "

"You got it," she said walking out and closing the door behind her.

I plop down in my chair and sent a text message to Rachel.

Me: I'm here.

Love (aka Rachel): Come back to me?

Me: Always.

I put my phone in my draw and looked around my office. It was nice. My desk was filled with pictures of my wife with my computer in the middle. Two bookshelves stood on the opposite side of the door and 1 Corinthians 10:31 was hung on my door. "Whether therefore ye eat or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God."

A bathroom with a few change of clothes was on the right just in case anything happens and two chairs say in front of my desk.

My eyes zoomed in on one of the pictures on my desk. It was a picture of Rachel on our honeymoon in Italy. She was taste testing some food samples and in the picture her eyes lit up just as she took another bite of the lasagna. Some of the cheese on her cheek.

I smiled analyzing it as I remembered her reaction like it was yesterday. My phone rang and I answered it.

"Everyone is informed. See you in 15,"

"Thank Ying, "

"No problem, "

I hate Mondays I thought as I got up. Let's get this day over with.

Poor Matt 🥺. If Rachel doesn't tell him I will. Btw if you haven't read book one yet save yourself the confusion and go on ahead and read it

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