Between the tattoos and the same dark hair, they could be twins. But then again Damon's father and Giovanni's father are twin brothers so it makes sense.

"So, what are we doing?" I asked, swinging our hands back and forth. "Are we committing murder?"

Logan snickered. "Been there done that, how about we light shit on fire." I rolled my eyes.

"That's called arson," I tell him, stepping over the rocks.

"What's the difference?" Logan asks, we all look at him. I worry about him sometimes.

"I'm fully convinced you graduated kindergarten and not college today," I tell him, making him scratch his head while everyone laughs.

I shake my head walking away from him dragging Giovanni with me.

I watched as Damon open a gate, I looked up at the place frowning. "Why are we at the mall?" I asked as they dragged me through.

"Because we are gonna have some fun tonight," Giovanni tells me.

"What are we gonna do steal, we could buy a mall if we wanted to." I pointed out, making them chuckle softly.

"Don't you always wonder what it's like in the mall after hours?" Damon asked, well I have but that not the point.

My eyes widen looking at mason as he threw a brink at the window. I have a feeling I'm going to jail tonight.

"What the fuck are you doing?!" I asked, widening my eyes. They are fucking crazy.

We walked into the mall, I was waiting for alarms to go off but none did.

"We had to get in somehow." Mason points out. I shake my head letting out a large breath. Robin held his hand out making me sigh.

"This better not be a waste of my time," I mumbled taking robin's outstretched hand. This really better not be a waste of my dam criminal record.

As we walk in, the small lights only helped us in our line of vision. I watched Robin pull out a pill bottle taking out six pills giving everybody one.

I place the pill on my tongue, I have no idea what I just took but we will find out in a minute.

I have to say, I'm nervous, I'm not sure why, the past couple of months have been epic a nonstop dream filled with sex and drugs, I felt like my life was like skins with a mix of pretty little liars and gossip girl.

So tonight, having fun with them is just what I need. There's that little part on me that thinks this is all a dream That I'm still in a coma, then these boys bring me out of that Dream.

"So what's our exit strategy?" I asked, walking backward-looking at them.

"Our what?" Logan says, I stopped in my tracks looking at them all blinking.

"Oh my god, we're gonna die." I shake my head walking away from them.

"Well, look on the bright side," Robin says running towards my side, his brown floppy hair bouncing as he ran.

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