7. Rivers of Sorrow

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Chandraa was left emotionless. Her husband had gone leaving her alone to some other woman. How was she supposed to feel? What was she supposed to do?
She was left alone, here, in the middle of unknown people in an unknown land, not knowing what to do. Her heart ached at the thought that she would always be known as Yuvraj's 'second' wife instead of 'only' wife. She feared that Shachi will always blame her for snatching her husband away from her. She felt that the people of Vyushti would never accept her. Or would they?

Having no idea what to do, she headed back to her palanquin and sat inside. She cried sitting there, just to be ignored by everyone. Maybe because everyone thinks that it's a woman's destiny to cry after marriage.

After some time, I saw another palanquin being brought through the curtains. It's time for Shachi's vidaai I guess.

She said her final goodbyes and then they gave her hand into Yuvraj's. Yuvraj made her sit into that palanquin and our yatra started.

// We can't see her crying, can we? 🤧//

Mirage:  Hearts Amidst the Mist | ✔️Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang