23. A Speck of Dust

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It was decided. The princess of Mahidhar would have a swayamvar for herself. The preparations had already been started. Although hesitant at first, the King had now accepted Chandraa's decision. 

A swayamvar is an important ritual. It signifies the bond of marriage between a princess and a prince who is selected by the bride herself. It is often in the form of a competition, based on the princess' interests. If she likes poetry, the participants would have to string a few lines to impress her. If she likes art, one would have to paint beautifully on the canvas. If she likes archery, one would have to use a bow and arrow to win her heart. Our princess seems to be the one in the last category. She liked archery. This is why the competition must be to bring out the best archer among them all.

Chandraa didn't know that each kingdom would get an invite, including Vyushti, which meant that Bhaaga was eligible to participate in the swayamvar. 


"Chandraa!" Madhav screamed at the top of his lungs.

"What!?" She replied.

"Wake up already! Do I have to be responsible for you my whole life?"

"Just for today, my friend. I don't know if we will meet again after that." Chandraa said, wiping away fake tears with her fingers and laughing.

She then proceeded to look her best in her red and teal gown, with a unique veil prepared for this very day by her mother. She wore an heirloom necklace, with bangles and earrings that her aunt sent from Baudhnagar. 

As she got down to greet everyone, all eyes turned to her. Just like her name, which meant the moon, she shone in a sky full of dim stars. A sun was nearby, but it hid behind the clouds to let her shine today. Bhaaga was behind the pillars of the courtroom, away from everyone's gaze.

He quickly exited the place after stealing a few more glances at Chandraa. She looked so pretty, that it had become a necessity to fulfil every condition of the swayamvar for him. He had confidence in himself. He could do it. If there were questions asked, think from her perspective, not yours. If there was a competition, give it all as if your life depended on it. It pretty much did, by now.

He snuck out of the castle gates and then entered the palace as if he had just arrived from his kingdom. The sound of drums and trumpets welcomed him, accompanied by a shower of petals. He was given a shawl as a token of honour. He smiled and greeted the person in charge and entered the wide-opened gate. He had waited for this moment all his life. Although Suren had long promised him that he would fix an alliance with Mahidhar for Bhaaga's marriage, he didn't want it to be without Chandraa's wish. She is the one who should matter the most in this situation, not his desires. 

He regretted the behaviour that his brother had shown to Chandraa. She didn't deserve to be cheated on like this. When he had looked at her the first time, he could tell, that she is a simple-hearted girl. If she was told that she will be marrying someone, she would give her everything to that person and never think twice about it. Isn't this very unfair to her when the other person does not reciprocate her feelings? When the other person lied, and used her for selfish reasons?  He couldn't help but wish that he could erase everything that she has suffered till now. When he looked at her in that gown, she wore a priceless smile. He wanted to do anything to protect that smile. Her eyes finally had a sparkle after days. What would this day bring to his life? Will he have to move on or will destiny play its part?

Everyone took their seats. A special round seating arrangement had been made just for today. After the pompous introductions of everyone in the room, Yuvraj Satya stepped up and started introducing the competition. It was archery. A huge sigh left Bhaaga's lips.
Before leaving the boundary of Vyushti, he had practised day and night to be able to defeat the monsters. This led him to be the best archer in the Eastern Kingdom Belt. This competition was not going to be that difficult after all. 

"This is a medicinal plant found only in Mahidhar. On its leaves is a speck of dust. The task is to eliminate the dust from one leaf, without damaging the plant."

Bhaaga smirks. I didn't know winning her over was this easy, he muttered. But he wasn't the only one who found this easy. There were other talented archers in the room with him. 

"The princess herself shall give a demonstration of the same." It was announced.

She knows archery? How come I never knew that?

 Chandraa came forward. Although her attire made it difficult, she liked taking up challenges. She smirked and picked up an arrow. She aimed and shoot. The dust was gone from the leaf without damaging it. All this happened so quickly that the crowd took a while to process it before applauding for her. She kept the equipment back and returned to her seat.

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