13. Symbols Unknown

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I woke up to the sound of someone knocking on the door of my room. I got up from the swing and opened the large doors. A servant gave me a letter and said that Yuvrani Shachi had sent it for me.
"Isn't she in the castle?"
"No, Chhoti Rani. She left a few hours ago."

I opened the scroll to find some strange symbols written all over. Does Shachi not know that I don't know the language of Vyushti?

I went to the court and requested one of the ministers to read it for me. It said:

"Chandraa, Raja and Rani aren't in the kingdom. Arya has gone away and I think he might be in danger, which is why I think I should follow him and stop him. You shall keep the kingdom in order until someone returns. I know this might be new for you, but I have full faith in you. I know you will be able to rule the kingdom nicely and take care of everything.

One thing that you must know is: We may or may not return. Keep yourself ready for anything."

I shivered at the thought of them not returning safely. I thanked the minister and ran to the temple. I prayed for the well being of them both and whole-heartedly wished that they both return as soon as possible. But, who knew what surprises would come along?

// i couldn't wait for thursday so.. 💀 //

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