Guns up

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A friend? Or a foe? No one may know , no one shall be trusted as long as the mystery is still unknown.

I don't wanna believe my thoughts but I have to do so..

I pulled out my gun on him , and he pulled his on me .

Sofia's POV:

I woke up , it was 6 AM , I looked around me as I got ready to go to the base , I checked the house looking for Alexander but I didn't find anyone , I got dressed and went to the base its was full of guards double than usually I got in and saw everyone armed , I didn't know what was going on it freaked me out a little bit .

I was going up to the main floor , and then .. I heard a gunshot.. I hurried up and got there just to see a hole in the wall, no one was shot but I guess it was a warning .. I got deeper inside just to see Alexander having a gun pulled up on Luke and Luke has his pulled up on Alexander.. There was 6 other men surrounding them pulling their weapons up on Alexander.

I knew something bad was happening when I saw the double guards layers and the armed crew...

I walked up to them , "what the fuck is going on over here?!" I asked as I had a gun pointed up on one of the men surrounding Alexander , "oh your little puppet came up why don't you tell her Alexander?" Luke said , "get out of here Sofia .." Alexander said seriously ,"too bad she's already here " Luke said , "fuck you " I said to Luke as I pointed the gun on him , I heard him chuckle around .

I was standing behind Luke with the gun pointed on his head as Alexander was in front of him , in a blink of an eye Luke turned around grabbed my gun and held me by my neck as he pointed his gun on me, "kill me and I kill her " Luke said to Alexander , As the gun was pointed to my head I told myself "this is the last mission.." I am always prepared to be killed or sacrificed for others . "Alexander .." I called out , I heard him nod as he was focused on Luke's movements , "let him kill me.." I said , " wait what?" Luke said confused, " shut up Sofia your not getting killed! For gods sake!" Alexander shouted at me not agreeing for me to die..

"Brave girl .. " Luke said as he chuckled , "shut up Luke " Alexander said , "oh come on she's willing to die to save your life atleast give her the credits of being brave " Luke said out loud as he laughed sarcastically. Some men came up to the main floor and when the saw what was happening they all pointed their guns at Luke.

"What the fuck man ?.." Damien asked confused having his gun pointed at luke, "shut up or she's dead" Luke said , I wasn't scared of death.. " death dances silently in everyone's shadows without giving a damn upon us , then why should I give a damn ?" I said to Luke starring him dead in the eyes .

he got out of focus I lifted my leg up and kicked his gun out of his hand so he will be weaponless ," you little bitch " Luke said to me ," thank you I'm known for being a bitch by my own family so I don't need your reminder " I said to him as I lifted my elbow and hit him in the face , probably broke his nose but I could care less , I lifted up my knee and hit him in the stomatch .

I wasn't stronger than him , so it was hard for me to get out of his hard grip mean while the mafia crew attacked the men surrounding Alexander meanwhile Alexander kept his gun held up on Luke , the crew took down Luke's men and pointed their guns at Luke as he held me with his grip

I saw one of Luke's men moving on the floor with a gun next to him , I saw him grab the gun as I said , "watch out!"

I heard a loud gunshot straight away, two gunshots actually .. One bullet in Luke's head and the other one in Alexander chest ...

To be continued

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