Chapter 37

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We were completely frantic when Hayden and I arrived at the hospital. Ok, I was frantic, Hayden was calm.

"Where's the maternity ward?" I asked the lady at the desk.

"All the way down that hall and to the left. You'll know you've reached it when you hear lots of screaming." I practically sprinted down the hall. Once I was there I ran to the desk.

"I need to know what room Bethany Hutchinson is in." The lady looked up at me like I was annoying her before she typed some stuff into the computer and then looked back up at me.

"Relation to the patient?"

"She's my sister-in-law." I know it's technically not true, but it will be one day, so who really cares.

"Room 205, it's that way." I ran down the hall until I spotted room 205 and burst through the door.

"Have you had her yet?" I asked frantically and Beth just rolled her eyes.

"No, and prob-" A look of pain overtook her face and she groaned.

"Breathe," Landon said gently.

"Oh, you shut up. As I was saying. She won't be here for hours." I furrowed my brows.

"I thought you said you were in labor?" Beth scoffed.

"Yeah, I am."

"Shouldn't you be pushing? Where's the doctor? When did your water break?"

"Kallie, my contractions are five minutes apart, so I came to the hospital. My water hasn't broken and I can't push, I'm only six centimeters dilated." I was confused.

"So, you aren't in labor?"

"Kallie, do you know how giving birth works?"

"Of course, I've seen plenty of movies. Your water breaks, you rush to the hospital and then you start pushing."

"It's a little more complicated than that. A lot of time doctors have to break your water. I've been in labor for like twelve hours Kallie. If you want to be here, you can, but it's going to be a while."

"Well, I'm not leaving." I plopped down in the chair next to her and smiled.

"Great, but as soon as have to start pushing, you are both leaving." She pointed at us and glared.

"Sounds good to me." We settled in and waited. A couple of hours later, the door burst open. I looked up and saw none other than Jean and Eric Hutchinson. Beth's parents.

"Mom, Dad, what the hell are you doing here?" She asked.

"Landon called us. How are you feeling?" Her mom Jean asked, gently.

"Horrible, this fucking sucks." She groaned as another contraction hit her.

"I know, but soon you will be holding your little girl and the past nine months will have been worth everything. Just a few more hours of misery for a lifetime of happiness." Jean took the seat next to the bed and grabbed Beth's hand.

"Thanks, mom," Beth smiled, "But that doesn't help!" Her smile turned into a glare. A few minutes later one of the nurses walked in.

"How are you feeling Bethany?" She asked

"Like I want this baby out." The nurse laughed.

"That's understandable, how about we check things out and see where we're at?" The nurse did her thing and informed us that Beth was now nine centimeters and that things were moving along nicely.

Another hour passed by and it was getting late. I yawned and Beth screamed at me. I think at this point we all just want the baby to be born.

Finally, after 11 hours of labor, the nurse said it was time. The second the nurse said that Beth kicked us out.

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