Chapter 11

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"So, who wants booze?" Josie cheered walking into Bridget's tiny living room with a bottle of champagne and four plastic champagne glasses.

"One bottle Jo? What are we, children?" Bridget said with a smirk.

"No, I have tequila and ingredients for frozen margaritas. This is just to start." She popped the cork and started filling the glasses.

"I'm good on the champagne," Beth said with a tight smile and I furrowed my brows. She loves champagne. She uses any excuse to open a bottle and pour a glass.

"Beth? Is something wrong?" She gave a forced obviously fake smile.

"No, I just don't want champagne." I narrowed my eyes.

"Bethany," I said in a stern voice.

"It's nothing Kal. I'm fine." She did not sound fine.

"Bethany Angela Hutchinson what's wrong," I demanded and she practically deflated.

"I'm late." She whispered.

"What are you talking ab-" my eyes connected with Josie's and it was like we both had a simultaneous realization, "Wait, are you saying what I think you're saying?" she bit her lip nervously.

"Yeah." she suddenly looked as small as a child.

"So, I'm going to be an aunt?" She shook her head.

"I don't know, but I'm three weeks late, I'm nauseous and my boobs hurt. I'm terrified. I know I need to take a test, but as long as I don't, I can pretend everything is ok."

"I have a test in the bathroom. You should take it." All of our eyes went straight to Bridget.

"Why do you have a pregnancy test, Bridg? Unless you've been to a sperm bank lately and didn't tell us, there's no way you're pregnant." Josie demanded.

"Of course not, but my grandma sent me a care package."

"A care package with a pregnancy test?" I asked trying to wrap my head around what she's talking about.

"Yeah, she thinks if she sends me things like pregnancy tests, birth control, and condoms that I'll turn straight." We all laughed, "Yeah, contraceptive and pregnancy tests. Kind of counterproductive if you ask me, but they finally have a use. Come on ladies, let's go see if diapers are in your future Beth." We all stood and followed Bridget to the bathroom.

"How many do you have?"

"Four, two different brands. Take one of each. Just to make sure." Bridget handed Beth the tests and we all waited outside.

Ten long minutes later Beth came out holding the pee sticks and sighed, "Negative." She held them up, "Thank God. No babies for me." Josie handed her a glass of champagne and we got back to girl's night.


Two hours later

"Let's play spin the bottle." Bridget suddenly said like it was the best idea in the world.

"You just wanna make out with Beth." Josie shot back and we all let out tipsy laughs.

"That's true. How about we talk about boys." I snorted.

"Only if you have to talk about girls." She shrugged.

"That's fine with me, but unlike you three, I have no romantic baggage. I'm not madly in love like Beth or heartbroken and hung up like Jo and I certainly don't have anything like Kallie and Hayden's weird drama. I like sex and I like it a lot. I don't like commitment though, so I keep it casual. I only sleep with one person at a time. I call it monogamous non-commitment. Now, let's talk about Miss I'm not knocked up first."

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