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-𝖉𝖊𝖑𝖎𝖑𝖆𝖍 𝖍𝖖𝖗𝖙-

My heart felt like it was about to explode.

My first instinct- what my gut was telling me, was to not jump to conclusions. It was telling me that Theodore had only told me these things out of spite, just to get me angry and I couldn't lie; it worked.

Because the pang in my chest when I heard that, made my heart sink to all the way to my stomach. I didn't even want to think about him having sex with another female- especially when I had to attend detention with him in less than a minute.

All I had to do was walk into this room, see him and even have to do work with him, before my anger got even worse. How could he sleep with another girl when he was supposed to be waiting for me to forgive him? I realize how immature and childish it sounds, but just because I'm mad at him and just because we weren't together anymore doesn't mean I wanted him to have sex with someone else. All I can really say about it, is if he really did stick his dick in another female, he will never touch me again.

Sighing, I opened the doors, my converse clicking against the floor. After Theodore had left, I had slipped on some baggy sweatpants with converses, and a light grey sweater to go with it.

Professor Slughorn was at his desk as usual, but when I looked to my right, I saw Draco sitting his desk, his hair parted and falling over his forehead with a pen in his mouth, dozing off into space. It was clear his he wasn't very high anymore, the drug wearing off but my thighs nearly clenched at the sight.

When I looked down at his hand, my heart clenched. On his pinky, was the very ring I recognized to be the one who gave to me, the light blue star constellation popping out.

Professor Slughorn looked up at my arrival, before standing up out of his seat. "Ah, Ms. Hart. Please take a seat," I did as I was told, taking a seat on the left and away from Draco. "Unfortunately, I have a meeting with professor Mcgonagall, so that means you and Mr. Malfoy will organize the potions together."

My anger only boiled. Why would he leave us in a classroom alone?

"I expect you to work and leave in an hour." With that, he left the classroom and closed the door behind him.

And the silence that lingered between me and Draco was almost unbearable.

It made my skin want to crawl- how do I approach him? I would say I don't, but unless I want him to talk to me or even touch me, I have to be the one who initiates it. And that sucks. Normally, I would think he'd be the dominant type to tell me what he wants and what I'm going to do regardless- but this time, he looked hurt.

The only way I can start this conversation, was with being myself. And by doing that, I said the most stupidest thing I could've. "She a good fuck is she?" Embarrassing, Delilah.

Unfortunately, I was sat opposite of him which means as soon as his head snapped up, his eyes connected to mine. "What?"

"I don't think I studdered." My voice was supposed to come out harsh, but instead it came out in the softest tone it could've with the sentence I'd just said.

He raised one eyebrow, my breath bitching at the sight. "Who the fuck have you been gossiping with? Hm? It's that stupid thing that girls like to do, gossip gossip gossip."

I narrowed my eyes into thin slits despite the fact they I clenched my thighs together. "Surprisingly, it wasn't a girl who told me, Malfoy. So-."

He leaned over his desk, un-slumping his body before he spoke so low that it had me cleaning my thighs harder. "Then mind telling me who I fucked? Because the last time I remember ever fucking somebody was when- oh right, they were my girlfriend."

God, sometimes he makes it impossible to be mad at him and sometimes all I want to do is punch his face until his cocky attitude is gone. But the relief that washed over me was like the tape lifting off my heart. I knew I didn't have any type of reason to believe him, but something told me that he was telling the truth.


Scoffing, he rose him desk with a glare on his face, and started to make his way to the potions shelves on the right side of the room.

"So," I mused, getting up too and going to the left side. "We're doing drugs now? That's new."

Taking a bottle of amortentia, I decided to use it for a moment. I popped the cork off the bottle, taking a smell of it and almost instantly, it smelt like I was in the same bed as Draco again. His scent, mint and cologne with a hint of green apples.

"Yeah, well it's not really your choice." I heard potions on his side clank together, my eyes rolling. "Could you use anymore fucking perfume? It's practically drowning my nose."

My eyes widened before my hand was clamped to my mouth, a laugh being muffled. I turned around, watching Draco do the same with a glare on his face while I held up the bottle of pink liquid, shaking it in the slightest and it looked like he did a double take.

A laugh made it's way through my mouth, echoing throughout the room before more giggled following it. "Not so snarky now, are you?" It was the first time I'd actually smiled around him, and I could already see a small grin making its way to his face.

He turned around before I could see it, "I'm not ashamed of that, Delilah."

My giggles stopped, my smile faltering. Hearing my name slip out of his mouth again made me want to jump into his arms, and slam my lips against his.

Dialing my voice down lower, I started to get back to work. "That's- that's good.." I trailed off my voice, putting potions in the correct order from where they were when kids in class used them.

I was debating on if I should tell him about Theodore being the one who told me. But I decided against it, because either way, Theo most likely felt guilty about the way he treated me and it would just cause more problems between the two boys anyways.

"I don't think I can do this anymore."

"Do what?" I responded back, my body aiming to turn around.

Before I had time to actually turn around, my waist was pulled to him and his lips were on mine, slamming me against the wall.




|𝕮𝖗𝖆𝖛𝖊| 𝐃.𝐌. (18+) Where stories live. Discover now