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[i know I'm supposed to be taking a break, I swear after these two chapter I will but I want to get this story going. Plus after this chapter is drama 😌.]

"𝐘𝐞𝐚𝐡, 𝐬𝐮𝐫𝐞

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"𝐘𝐞𝐚𝐡, 𝐬𝐮𝐫𝐞. 𝐈'𝐥𝐥 𝐭𝐚𝐥𝐤 𝐭𝐨 𝐡𝐢𝐦,"

-𝖉𝖊𝖑𝖎𝖑𝖆𝖍 𝖍𝖆𝖗𝖙-

The party outside of the Slytherin common room was loud and flashing lights blurred my vision.

Did I really want to go to this party? No. But was I risking Maddie being all over Draco again? Also no.

Parties meant sex, and then after an intense orgasm, alcohol. I learned that the hard way last year when I drank first and then wanted Draco to have me; he wouldn't because I was intoxicated which was the right thing to do, but being drunk at the time made me get upset at him. That resulted in a punishment the next morning.

My outfit was revealing, one that I knew would catch a certain blonde headed idiots attention. It was a thin, skin tight dress with small straps, small little crystal earring in my ears. My hair was down- I didn't see any reason for putting it up seeming as it was short. I had just entered the common room, the smell of alcohol and weed consuming my senses. It wasn't a pleasant smell if I'm being honest.

The heels I was wearing weren't exactly uncomfortable, but I wasn't good at walking in heels either- they were simply to impress Draco and if I tripped trying to do this.. I think I'd rather die from embarrassment then see the look on peoples faces. But I had already spotted Maddie, sitting on a couch with Pansy and I felt like I didn't belong here- I was the only Ravenclaw here.

Pansy's eyes glistened as she saw me, opening her arms out to me. "Hey babe," I leaned into her hug, sitting on her lap in the process. She had a red cup in her hand, it smelt like fire whiskey so I knew it was only a few more minutes before she started getting slurry. "As I was saying," she motioned towards Maddie, who I didn't even bother to look at. "You just need to lay off a bit. No offense, Mads, but your pretty blind. He's not into you."

I furrowed my eyebrows at Pansy, shifting on her lap so I could whisper in her ear. Maddie beat me to it, speaking over my whisper. "But we slept together, and he even stayed after. It has to mean something-."

"Who's she talking about?" I whispered again in Pansy's ear, her face lighting up in amusement. Maddie ease still rambling on about how her and Draco were together, I would be lying if I said it didn't piss me off.

Pansy's hand slipped around my waist, her mouth right next to my ear. "I'm not stupid, Lilah. All Draco ever looks at is you, and Maddie really wants him. Tell me, have you two slept toge-."

I slapped a hand over her mouth, displaying a weird smile on my face while I pretended to listen to Maddie. Fake it until you make it. After Maddie kept talking, I turned to glare at Pansy while she was only laughing. "Your such a light weight." I giggled, but then actually started to listen to Maddie when her eyes connected to mine.

She softened her gaze- I wanted so badly to punch her in the face. "Look, Delilah I'm sorry about this morning. Can we just move on?" I nodded my head with a straight face, "Great. Could you maybe talk to Draco for me? I- I really like him and-."

This was my cue to leave. "Yeah, sure. I'll talk to him," I kissed Pansy on the cheek, getting off her lap and starting to leave. "I'll fuck him while I'm at it." I muttered under my breath, apart of me hoped that she would hear.

Pushing through the crowd, I stumbled towards the boys dormitory. If I was correct, Pansy was following me but I didn't dare turn around, too scared that she'd ask me questions because somehow Pansy Parkinson had gotten under the impression that Draco Malfoy took and interest to me. The thought of him liking me made me smile like an idiot, but I wiped it off my face and finally headed down the hallway leading to the boys room.

I stopped in my tracks at the sight of Draco and Theodore. They clearly looked like they were arguing, but Dracos eyes were- red.

His hands were wrapped around Theodores neck.

Theodore had an amused smirk on his face like this was normal.

Draco tilted his head,

And Snapped Theodores neck.

My face horrified.

My mind felt fuzzy, ringing imploded in my ears and if I hadn't been in shock, I think I would've screamed. Theodore was dead-

"Draco you idiot!" I turned around to see Pansy, her face scrunched up at the sight of me.

Draco turned around, about to make what I'm guessing was a snarky remark but once he laid his eyes on me his faked dropped. Tears were springing my eyes- he just killed Theodore. He just killed my best friend. My feet stumbled, Dracos face full of worry but all I could think about was Theo.

Why weren't they freaking out?

Was the fuck was going on?

Am I crazy?

Draco stepped forward- I stepped backwards, farther than I expected when a tear rolled down my cheek. "Delilah, go back to the Ravenclaw tower. This is a dream-."

"Theodore- he's-." His hands were on my waist, pulling me forward before I even had time to register it.

He looked into my eyes, and somehow I felt like I had to stop. "Go to your dorm. This is a dream, you didn't come to the party because you wanted to study."

Oddly, I obeyed and turned around leaving the common room back to my own.


"Rise and shine!"

Holy fuck my head was pounding. I opened my eyes, looking around the room in confusion. My hand came to my head, hitting the side of it. Something was wrong- I didn't remember a single thing from last night besides studying but I told Pansy I'd go to a party she planned. My hand hit my head again, trying to knock it into place but nothing came.

When I looked down, I noticed I was in some pajamas. What the fuck? My eyes scanned room, looking at Theodore talking to Blaise who was messing my random perfumes on my dresser. Almost instantly- for an odd reason that I couldn't remember, I ran into Theodores arms and gave him a hug. Why was I hugging him?

I pushed him off of me, confusion was spread all over my face. "Theodore," I muttered, touching his face and even gave him a slap. "Somethings- somethings wrong. I think I dreamed of you dying and Draco.. Draco killed you." My eyes scanned his face, seeing a small smirk plastered on it. "Was that a.. dream? Did that party happen?"

"Lilah, babe, we were in here last night. We played chess until 12 last night, nobody got killed." He stated nonchalantly, and if he hadn't been so calm I wouldn't have believed him. "There was a party last night, but you didn't go."

I scrunched up my face, shaking my head. "But I.. wasn't I studying? Something about potions and-."

"Yes," Theo cut me off, handing Blaise a random square shaped ring while Blaise wiped it off. "Lilah are you okay? You seem a little on edge. Bad dream?"

I scoffed, rolling my eyes and twisted my mouth into a snarl. "Of course I had a bad dream, I dreamt that Draco snapped your neck. What kind of a person would randomly hug you in the morning if they didn't dream of something like that." I made my way into the bathroom, grabbing my toothbrush.

"Glad to know you care about me that much,"

"Fuck off."




|𝕮𝖗𝖆𝖛𝖊| 𝐃.𝐌. (18+) Where stories live. Discover now