Twilight | شفق

Start from the beginning

"Mahum baji I took our car to a mechanic", Zain lied. He was hiding behind a tree and looking at her.

"The car was fine a few minutes ago. What happened suddenly?", Mahum frowned.

"I don't know what happened to it suddenly. Don't worry, I'll call mom she will send someone to pick you up", Zain said.

"Okay, I'll wait", Mahum said and disconnected the call.

"Done", Zain messaged mom.

"Ufff", Zain blew the air from his mouth and wiped the sweat from his forehead. "Astaghfirullah, patah nahi kithne jhoot bolne parhen gay muje inke leye (I seek forgiveness in God. I don't know how much I'll have to lie for them)". he mumbled.


"Mom how can I pick her now?", Huzaifa said in a low voice.

"Why you can not? You can drop her home and then continue your plans with Inaya", Mom said sternly.

"Okay", he sighed. "Allah Hafiz".

"Is everything alright?", Inaya questioned.

"Yup", he nodded. "I need to pick up my cousin first".

"Hmm", she hummed. A few minutes later they reached at embassy. Huzaifa stepped out of the car and looked around to find Mahum. His eyes fell on her, she was talking with a boy of apparently her age. Huzaifa couldn't see his face.

"He is there too", he burned with rage. He walked up to her but before he could reach the boy left.

"Who was he?", Huzaifa questioned. Mahum turned around listening to his voice.

"Tum say matlub? (Does it concern you?)", she replied sarcastically. He fetched a deep breath to calm down his anger.

"Let's go, I'll drop you home", he said.

"I'll go in a taxi. Thanks", she said.

Huzaifa glanced around and said, "Don't create a scene here. Mom wants me to drop you at home".

Mahum huffed and almost ran towards the car. Huzaifa shook his head and followed her. She opened the front passenger seat door for herself and paused.

"Hi Mahum", Inaya smiled.

"Sorry I didn't know you are in the car", Mahum said awkwardly. She turned her head back, Huzaifa was standing behind her. She shut the door and before she could reach the back door Huzaifa opened it for her. She didn't look at him and sat down in the back passenger seat. Huzaifa shut the door, walked around, and took the driving seat. He ignited the engine.

"Why are you going back?", Inaya asked.

"I need to drop Mahum home", Huzaifa replied.

"Oh come on, don't be silly. We can take her with us.", Inaya said.

"Thank you Inaya but it's not needed at all. I don't have any intention to play gooseberry. Please take me home first", Mahum said. She kept looking outside the window.

"Please Mahum I insist?", Inaya looked back


"Please", Inaya added.

Mahum turned her head, for a moment she caught Huzaifa's gaze in the rear view mirror. "Okay", she accepted. He averted his gaze.

Mahum leaned back on the seat and looked outside the window, whereas Inaya was talking with Huzaifa. Whatever Inaya said felt extremely similar to Huzaifa's taste. They were compatible life partners.

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