"Yeah, yeah, see you later."

The call between them ended.

Junichi then grabs his MMA gloves and stares at it.

He puts the gloves aside as Isanari said, they'll think about it later.

As time goes by, the triple date will start soon.

Junichi wears his favorite suit, a light grey suit jacket, suit pants, and a maroon dress shirt with a popped collar.

He then went downstairs, it is time that he is gonna pick his girlfriend up.

As the moment he opens the door, he saw his lover right in front of him.

Yuriko Suwabe, a genius in social studies. Once Junichi's classmate, who had a crush on him during their high school days who she kept it a secret. She confessed to him at the right time after Junichi helps Maruo to date Rena, who Junichi has a crush on back then.

"Good evening, darling!" The reason why Yuriko is here is because she's excited for the triple date.

"Ah, mahal, why are you here? I'm supposed to pick you up, not you picking me up..." As much to Junichi's surprise, he is a little embarrassed by that.

"Is that how you hi to your girlfriend?" Yuriko pouts.

"I'm sorry, I'm happy to see you, mahal." Junichi gently grabs both of his hands to Yuriko's face as he pulls her closer to him, as he kisses her.

The mood of Yuriko has changed as she became happy.

"I like how you call me 'mahal', it means love in your mother's language, right?"

"Yeah, It's from the Philippines. Since my mom says that a lot to my old man, then why not I follow traditions." Junichi chuckles.

"Then, Mahal kita~! " Yuriko said it before she hugs Junichi very tightly.

Junichi would be lying if he said he isn't happy when Yuriko said that to him, Junichi returns the hug. He is laughing a little on the inside because of how cute Yuriko said those two Filipino words with an accent.

'Mahal Kita' it translate to 'I Love You' in English.

"I don't know what would I do without you..." Junichi thought to himself.


The couple then went to the discotheque that they've planned with the others.

"Oh, it's Rena-san and Maruo-san." Yuriko tells Junichi.

Rena Sakura, back in high school, she is very known to be a very serious, unsociable, strict, and stern woman. She is the most beautiful girl in their high school. Her beauty has charmed every fellow male and female student.

Maruo Nakano, back in high school, he is the smartest student in their school, everyone in his class would ask to if it's okay to copy his homework. He rejected every single request from his classmates. Well, except Junichi and Isanari.

"Ara, Yuriko-san, Junichi-san, good evening to you both." Rena greets the recently arrived couple.

"Good evening, Rena-san. Good evening, nerd." The one Junichi calls the nerd is Maruo.

"We're no longer in high school anymore, Junichi."

"Ah, my bad, old habits are really hard to break." Junichi laughs.

"Oi! Hey guys!" Someone is calling them, from the distance.

The one calling them is none other than Isanari Uesugi.

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