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Wah how many silent readers I have 😱😱 who are so lady to press a vote button 😏😏 and leave a comment. Now you all say is my anger is wrong? Don't my story deserve atleast 150 to 200 vote in 1.68 readers?

Swara felt uncomfortable being ALONE with Sanskar for the first time. Friendship is far they are not even in talking terms mostly after knowing his discomfort with her in after hotel incident she made sure to keep distance from him. But now both are alone in Lonavala lake waterfall.

Sanskar sensing her discomfort thought to make it easy "Swara I know we both don't know each other properly and now being with me is not helping you out but trust me i won't hurt you. why don't we become friends? As we still have lot of places to see" he forwarded his hand to shake.

Swara smiled lightly hearing him "he is not that kadoos as I thought, it's said we should never judge a book by its cover. May be I too judged him without knowing him fully" she shake hands with him "friends".

"cool first let's have a lunch then we will continue our trip" Sanskar said making her smile.


Swara was walking slowly with Sanskar's help as path was little rocky "which place is this sanskar? " she asked looking around.

"Bhaja Cave" came reply from Sanskar "Bhaja Caves is a set of spectacular rock-cut caves, which has been classified as a national monument. It is believed to be one of the oldest caves in India, belonging to 2nd to 1st century BCE, and the fine Buddhist excavations in these caves date back to the Hinayana phase of Buddhism"

"Along with exploring these caves that primarily include Chaityas and Viharas, you can take a refreshing dip in the nearby waterfall as well as take a tour of the lush surroundings. We need to take a zig-zag trail to reach the caves from its base at Bhaja Village" he said while walking in zig-zag path.

Swara stunned by his knowledge about cave "are you a book warm?" she blurted out loudly but in next second regretted seeing his amused eyes.

Sanskar chuckled hearing her cute antics "No but I do have some knowledge about historical places"

The caves have a number of stupas, one of their significant features. The most prominent excavation is its chaitya (or chaityagrha - Cave XII), a good example of the early development of this form from wooden architecture, with a vaulted horseshoe ceiling. Its vihara (Cave XVIII) has a pillared verandah in front and is adorned with unique reliefs. These caves are notable for their indications of the awareness of wooden architecture. The carvings prove that tabla – a percussion instrument – was used in India for at least 2300 years,disproving the centuries-held belief that the tabla was introduced to India by outsiders or from Turko-Arab.[10] The carving shows a woman playing tabla and another woman, performing dance. (thank you goggle baba ji).

Swara was so thrilled as Sanskar explained her every pillar making her admire him.... In every step he helped her while walking as inside cave in was difficult to walk with support of stick, her heart filled with respect for him.

Sanskar was so protective and worried every moment thinking "will she be comfortable in walking? What if she felt pain or tired? Should I lift her? No what will she think about me wrong move. But what if she get hurt?" so many thoughts were running in his mind.

Swasan was returned back to their car from cave when swara shouted excited "ice cream....." making sanskar startle for second..

"oops sorry" swara said cutely holding her one ear.

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