"Angel? Impossible." Raphael said.

"I saw it, too." Clary told him.

"He's telling the truth." Rosalie said.

"You kill Clary, Valentine still has the damn sword.  Over time, no doubt, he'll find a way to activate it.  Now is our chance to destroy that sword for good. Why not let Jace try?"

Rosalie sighed. She shook her head as Jace shared a look with her.

"Why would a Shadowhunter risk his life for us?" Maia said.

"Because you and Raphael are gonna tell your Downworld buddies not to lay a hand on Clary. That's the deal." Jace said.

"And They'll listen to me?"

"Maybe. You're the leader of the most powerful vampire clan in all of New York.  They respect you. "

Raphael sighed sharing a look with Maia who nodded.

"What exactly is your plan?" 

While they explained, Rosalie sat down leaning on a tree.

She looked at her arm, where she was injected at.

The black veins ran up slightly before they disappeared. She ran her fingers along them.

She looked up when Jace came over.

"We'll figure out what he did. We will. We just have to stop him first. You ready?"

She nodded, taking his outstretched hand, pulling herself up.

"On the video call, Simon was in Aldertree's office. This way." Clary said as Magnus, Clary and Rosalie were now in the halls of the institute.

Blades raised and ready.

"Careful, Clary. Circle members could be anywhere." Magnus said.

Clary looked down the hall to the left and saw Madzie.

"It's  Madzie. Go get her. We'll find Simon. "

"Are you sure?"

"She's being used, Magnus. None of this is her fault, but she has to be stopped."

"I'll meet you in Aldertree's office."

They went their separate ways.

Rose and Clary made their way to the main room.

Hearing footsteps, they stopped.

Rose hid by the wall as Clary was the distraction.

The first guy went after Clary but stopped when Rosalie came up from behind, stabbing him.

The second guy Clary was able to take care of.

Four more people came in and grabbed the girls.

"You're gonna regret that. " Rosalie said.

"Hey let go! Let go!." Clary yelled.

They took the girls into the big main hall.

Rosalie tried the best she could to get out of their grasp, but she was still too weak.

"No. Let me go!" Clary said loud.

"You can't make me do this. I won't do it!" Clary said as Valentine brought her closer to the Sword.

At that Rosalie pushed everything aside. She fought as much as she could. But it only got her as far as being brought to her knees, a twisted arm, and a blade to her throat.

The Other Lightwood. (Jace Herondale.)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora