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"Clary, don't." Izzy said as she started blaming herself.

Clary, Jace, Izzy and Rosalie were walking around New York tl find Jonathan.

"No, I knew there was something off about Sebastián... or Jonathan. I should've never second guessed myself." She said.

"Clary, you weren't the only one." Rosalie told her.

"He would've found his way into our lives, one way or another. The only thing that matters now is taking Jonathan and Valentine out." Jace said.

They made it to where Sebastián was staying.

Izzy broke in the door.

Someone was in the chair hunched slightly in the middle of the room.

"Jonathan!" Izzy said.

There was no movement.

Jace walked forward a bit.

"Turn around and face us." He said.

"Where is Valentine? " Izzy asked.

Still there was nothing.

Izzy used her staff to turn the chair around.

The real Sebastián sat beaten and dead.

"What, did Valentine kill him?" Clary asked.

"He's been dead for days." Rosalie said.

"Tortured first. This was the real Sebastián Verlac." Jace said as he went to close Sebastián's eyes.

"Ave atque vale" Jace started.

"Hail and farewell." The four all said.

Sebastián then started to shake.

"Jace." Clary said noticing it first.

Sebastián growled a demonic growl.

Jace went to attack but Sebastián quickly crawled to the ceiling.

"It's a possessing demon." Jace said.

"The same kind that murdered my mom." Clary said.

"Then we know how to kill it." Izzy said.

She used her whip to bring him to the ground.

Jace hovered his sword above him before plunging it into his chest.

The body withered and the demon inside burnt out. Disappearing.

"We'll make 'em pay for what they did to you." Izzy told him.

"We're going to make them pay for everything. " Rosalie said in a hard voice. It almost scared Clary.


"Have you notified the Verlac family yet?" Imogen asked from the tablet screen.

"The Penhallow daughter, Aline, will deliver the message in person, Madame Inquisitor." Alec told her.

"Defiling the body of a fallen soldier and turning it into a booby trap is sadly par for the course for Valentine,  isn't it?" She asked.

"The possessing demon wouldn't have done this on its own. The trap could only have been set using the Mortal Cup to command it."

"So he had it all along."

"And our intel shows he's also in possession of the Mortal Sword."

"Do you have any good news for me today, Mr, Lightwood? "

"Valentine and Jonathan believe that the New York Institute is in possession of the Mortal Mirror. They won't leave the city without it."

"Thank the Angel that at least he wasn't able to find that."

The Other Lightwood. (Jace Herondale.)Where stories live. Discover now