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『 C H A P T E R 30 』 ❤️

The day was sunnier and warmer than you would expect it to be in December.

The view from the window was magical, the snow was sparkling under the touch of the sunlight.

Louis woke up cuddled with the two toddlers in his bedroom, the two boys still sound asleep.

The Omega had a smile plastered on his face since he opened his eyes, honestly.

It felt so natural for him to sleep with the two boys, like it was meant to be.

The fact that he doesn't remember frustrated him, but thinking about it, Louis didn't really need the colour system when it came to Avery and Aiden.

The triplets (the babies) were harder and easier in some ways.

It was hard to recognise the babies, after the accident Louis just couldn't remember.

But they are still babies, they won't remember him forgetting them anyway.

Louis carefully left the bedroom without the two boys noticing.

Making his way to the kitchen Louis heard a little cry coming from the triplets' room.

Louis walked there immediately and his gaze met a tired, no exhausted looking Harry with a crying Adam.

"What happened?" Louis asked, the worry was laced in his voice.

Harry's heart warmed after hearing his mate.

His hair was messy and the bags under his eyes noticeable from far away.

"I don't know, he won't stop crying. I tried everything." Harry sighed, cuddling the crying baby and trying again to make Adam stop.

"Let me hold him for some time, you look exhausted." Louis offered.

"No, no. You should sleep anyways, I can do it." Harry tried.

"Oh, I see. Now give him to me." Louis said and took little Adam into his arms.

The little boy stopped crying immediately, cuddling closer to Louis. Adam rested his head in the crook of the Omega's neck, seeking the scent and warmth of his mommy.

"How did you--?"

"He was just missing his mommy." Louis chuckled lightly, cooing at the small baby.

Harry smiled at the Omega, the feeling of love and proudness was spreading in his body.

"Now, go lie down." Louis ordered.

"Are you--"

"Harry, go to sleep. I got it." Louis chuckled again and showed the exhausted Alpha out of the room.

Harry was smiling fondly, he was so glad that Louis was becoming comfortable around them, again.

Louis had Adam in his arms when he decided to make something for breakfast for the family.

He decided to do scrambled eggs, the Omega didn't dare to do pancakes by himself with a baby near him.

The noise of feet tapping down the stairs was enough of a signal for Louis to know that Avery and Aiden were up.

The two running toddlers entered the kitchen with happy squeals, which made Louis chuckle.

"Boys, daddy, papa and poppa are still sleeping. Let's keep it quiet, what do you think?" Louis suggested, challenging the two boys to be quieter, at least for a bit.

CHERRY | LS, STYLES TRIPLETS जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें