"Yeah, yeah, sure, sure!" Peter shouted as she left. 

Morgan flipped Peter of making him gasp in fake offence and making Tony scold her. "Sorry dad" she mumbled as she closed the front door. 


"This tastes amazing Mrs.Stark-Potts." Leo said as they were eating dinner. 

"Thank you, Leo. These two lovely ladies helped me out." Pepper replied, gesturing to MJ and Nadia

"We're lovely ladies. I always knew I was awesome." MJ jokingly whispered to Nadia making her smile. "Of course, we're amazing. What do people expect." Nadia joked back 

"It tastes great." Leo said to them with a smile 

"Thanks" MJ and Nadia replied 

"So, Leo, where'd you meet Morgan?" Tony asked with the Overprotective Dad Stare. 

"Um, I met her in one of the classes at, er, MIT." Leo stumbled over his words under Tony's glare. 

"Interesting. What class?" Peter asked, looking at Leo with dagger eyes. 

"Er, mechanical engineering." Leo managed to squeak out as he ran a hand through his brown hair nervously 

"Mechanical engineering? Cool. How old are you Leo?" Harley asked, glowering at Leo as if he wanted to kill him. 

"Twenty years old." Leo answered 

"And you don't think that's too old for my little sister?" Harley and Peter asked in unison making Leo pale. 

"She didn't seem to have a problem with it so I thought it was fine." Leo responded ignoring his nervousness. 

Peter and Harley seemed to be impressed that Leo didn't crack under their glares so they nodded slightly at Morgan and continued their meal quietly. 

"So Leo, what's your family like? What do you like to do?" Peter asked, much more friendly 

"I used to live with my mom but then she died when I was 18 so now I live by myself. I've never met my dad and I don't have any siblings" Leo answered 

"I'm sorry." Tony said sympathetically

"Don't worry about it. It's been years, it hurts sometimes but I'm okay. I obviously like building and creating stuff and I like cooking." Leo said, smiling a little. 

"Nice. Maybe you could join us in the lab sometime." Peter offered, "Yeah. It'd be fun" Harley added making Leo smile. "I'd like that." 

"Cooking? What do you like to cook?" Tony wondered 

"I like cooking pretty much everything but I'm really good at cooking Mexican food and Greek food." Leo answered with a grin on his face 

"That's great." Anjali told him 

Dinner continued on as normal and was overall nice. Once dinner was finished Leo had to leave and it gave the perfect opportunity for Peter, Harley and Tony to be super protective. 

"Listen, Leo, you seem to be a pretty nice guy. But remember if you hurt our Morgan in any way possible we'll rip you limb from limb. Got it?" The three of them send together. 

To prove their point, Peter and Harley flexed showing their muscles. Peter activated his web-shooters and Harley and Tony activated repulsors. 

"Yeah, sir." Leo squeaked out as he shuffled nervously. Morgan whipped her head around and glared at her dad and two brothers. 

"You guys were doing SO well and then this?! What the hell guys?!" She practically hissed at them. 

Tony, Harley and Peter laughed. 

"We're supposed to do that. It's our job." they said making Morgan roll her eyes. 

"Yeah, well I actually want to keep him!" Morgan protested making Leo blush. 

"Yeah, well, Leo's not that bad! I'm not hating him like the other guys" Peter said 

"Thanks?" Leo said making the whole family laugh. Leo joined in soon, he felt really happy. He had found a family. 


Hey guys! Sorry this is a little late, I got a bit busy yesterday. Anyways, hope you enjoyed it! 

Edit: Oh my gods, guys. This was so bad, I'm so sorry. I fixed all the names, sorry about that! 

- Riya

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