|18|:"A ground where the devil and the monster meet and rejoice".

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T H E Y heard the door opening and Dylan walks in.

"Biden's dead". Dylan announced, to an already tense environment, "It was said to be a heart attack".

They all turn to look at her and she didn't even give anything away. Not right now when she was accused of something without facts. It is not entirely their fault as she hides her trails well. They can't know the answer, no matter what.

But, there was something that still puts her off. Like, the look in his eyes when he demanded answers. Was she hoping, he could trust her? Why will she ever think such absurd thoughts? This is complicated. Feelings are complicated and she didn't like it.

She looks at her phone, "There is a business party we have to attend tomorrow".

"Are you not going to tell us what you did?" He asked

She narrows her eyes at him, "I don't have to tell you a thing".

She takes her phone, walking out of the room.

"You should have discussed your suspicion with us". Jimmy said, disappointed, "You know we check facts before we speak. What did you even see?"

"My team called and told me that Laila was taken by Akbar to Italy because she betrayed them. They said it was all on some shares, that they found Romaisa bought". He said frustrated, as he runs his hand through his hair, "How is Laila her sister? Twin sister at that? It doesn't make sense".

"Because we never heard her story". Jimmy said, shaking his head, "We assumed from the start. She hasn't done anything wrong to us as much as I see".

Jimmy went away, leaving him in his guilty.

"You know I always thought Jimmy is immature". Dylan said, sighing, "But, you have blinded yourself with unwanted hatred, confusion and feelings. Are you sure you differentiate her father doing from her?"

He runs his hand through his hair roughly when Dylan slammed the door. His hair becomes messy and in a knot, because he can't seem to get his head straight. When he heard his friend heart broke and his wife has links to it, all of her threats come running through his mind. His mind is one trash that makes things hard on him.

He knows Awais is the softest one in all of his friends. He used to act tough or try to act tough, but he was always the one everyone was protecting, secretly. He has no idea how Akbar could take away his wife, but he knows Akbar fears his friend's lives. The fear that was there because of him (Kabir). Akbar will never compromise again, on anyone's life and at any cost.

He cannot even tell Awais just yet where his wife is. Not until he figures everything. He needs to speak to her.

She sits on the edge of his giant pool, with her leg in it. She looks at the sky as her mind works around the events in the past few months. She found she has a sister- she already knows she had one, but she had no idea where.

Then, she found a man who she thought she should have beside her for her missions. And now, that man is not just any man to her. He was creeping into her. She was going to step back. She needs to step back. He is dangerous, lethal, cruel and a monster.

But, was she any less? She was a master of the devil, monster doesn't even come close to that.

He hadn't hurt her in any way as much as she knows. They fought in many fights together and he had protected her in most. Though, she will never admit to another soul, it was fun whenever he would save her. To take a break and know someone is looking over her was fun while it lasts.

Because, just when she starts to be carefree around a man, he has to turn into someone she didn't want. She should have known men will never be able to meet her standards. Then, why is that she is hurt by his assumptions? If he wasn't to her standards, she should be disappointed? While does her heart burns? Why does she feel the need to smack his face over and over until he realises he was wrong?

The Jealousy Club (TJC) #5- 𝙂𝙪𝙣𝙨 𝘼𝙣𝙙 𝙍𝙤𝙨𝙚𝙨 (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now