|19|:"..Complicated, a mess and a devil with a exceptionally beautiful face".

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Chapter 20 and 21 from book four is what you need to know before you start this chapter.

This part starts from the ending of chapter 21.


"H E L L O, brothers". He said, leaning on the way, looking at his brothers

"Kabir". Awais said, running to his engulfing in his arms, "I missed you".

He smiles, hugging him back, "I think I know since you went to our school that day".

"You were there?"

"I was everywhere".

Zafar hits his head and he narrows his eyes at him to which Zafar spoke, "You don't scare us, Kabir".

"This is all because we were in school together". He mumbles, rubbing his head when he heard snickering

He turns to Dylan, "This is Dylan. My second in command".

"You have a lot of explaining to do". Usman said, placing his hand on his shoulder, "Right from when you ran away".

He sighs, "It's simple. The people who killed my parents, they found me. They had your pictures even the ones that no one can get. I faked my death so they don't harm you".

"You could have told us. We could have done something". Akbar snapped

"You are forgetting you were not this strong before, Akbar. This is all after I left".

"What do we have to do?" Zafar asked, breaking the tension

"For the most part". They heard a new voice as they turn to Romaisa standing just a little away, "You all need to leave Italy as soon as possible. You need to take Laila away from here and keep her under extra protection".

"You are the one". Awais said angrily as he marches towards her

Her husband stands in front of her, guarding her, "She is the one who saved you".

"You are defending her".

"She is my wife".

Damn. She didn't expected him to say or do that.

"So? She is the one who got us all in trouble. You will defend her against me?" Awais asked, clearly hurt

"You choose your wife over everyone, Awais". He said, gritting his teeth, "I will do the same".

She watches Laila leaving the hospital after few days. Just as the car zoomed out, she found her father standing beside her.

"I found her". Her father said and she clenches her hands, "Doesn't she looks exactly like your mother? It will be fun".

Her father walks away and she banged her hand on the car, "He shouldn't have done that".

Her eyes changes to the devil that she had been sleeping too long. Her husband looks at her, watching her she tries to fight between darkness and madness.

A sinful smirk appears on her lips, "He really shouldn't have done that".

She spent the next week, tracking, tracking and revising everything that she needs to do before her father wins over her again.

She is not allowing that to happen. She has too many peoples online.

"What are you going to do, Belle?" He asked worriedly because he knows she is going to do something very big

She raises her eyes, "I am going to go crazy".

She heard the door opening and Reina walks in. She didn't let Reina shift because things are heating up everywhere. It is safe to stay near her for now.

The Jealousy Club (TJC) #5- 𝙂𝙪𝙣𝙨 𝘼𝙣𝙙 𝙍𝙤𝙨𝙚𝙨 (COMPLETED)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum