|6|:"Blood, guns and roses".

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"H O W can you lose such a huge shipment?" Her father roared in anger as he throws things around in his office whilst she stays seated on his lush chair across her stepbrother who was smirking at her expense

"I told you she is not capable. She is a woman, what did you expect?" Her stepbrother commented adding fuel to her father's fire

"You are the one to talk?" She snapped, "You lost all the shipment to him for a year and a half".

"He is just good at it". Her stepbrother said shrugging

"Or you are just an idiot". She snarled looking at her father, "I told you to create a bond with that man if you can't defeat him, you didn't take my advice".

"How dare you?" Her father seethes in anger turning to her stepbrother, "Get out".

Her stepbrother immediately escaped knowing what was about to go down.

She stands in front of the mirror in the bathroom looking at all the wounds on her face and body. The dark red bruises of his belt on her back and stomach ache with her every movement. The punches and slaps on her face reminded her of the few hours she had spent in his office.

All she chanted in her head was, don't act, don't act, don't act. Not yet.

The whole time she didn't scream, didn't cry and didn't show a little pain that her body screamed in. Knowing her father, he would have enjoyed it and she wasn't going to give him that luxury.

She knows she can't act against him at least for now. She doesn't have it in her. She sighs leaning on the basin as the pain courses through her. Her heart thunders in her chest and the anger building inside of her only made everything worse.

This wasn't even the worse beating.

She heard someone outside and she instantly went into a fighting stance. She wears her robe holding the gun she was hiding under the sink opening the door. She pushes whoever it was against the wall and her whole body burned in agony from the movement. Yet her face showed no options.

Her eyes narrowed at the culprit, "Kabir? To what do I own this pleasure?"

His eyes take in the dark round bruise on her right eyes and she could barely open it. Her lips were slit and her left cheek was swollen with pink shade on it.

His hand clench as he pushes her hands gently taking an intimidating stance in front of her towering over her which didn't even faze her and it was starting to irk him.

"What happened?" He said as his voice was filled with venom

She tilts her head and he could see the marks on her neck going down and his eyes closed as he imagines just how bad it would be behind that white robe.

She moves to sit on the bed, "Why are you here?"

"Was it your father?" He roared and she shivers with the intensity of anger in his eyes and voice

"It's not like you aren't aware of how this life is". She said shrugging trying to be indifferent when the pain appeared and she bites her tongue, "You should know that we all grow in these beatings. Didn't you have your fair share or were you that blessed?"

He growled looking through the drawers and she frowns at how pissed he looks for no reason. He continued destroying everything and she looks at the door of her room to make sure, it was locked. Well, he was a clever one beside that he walked in a lion den. But is lion scared of wolf or is it the opposite?

"What are you looking for?" She asked confused and he didn't reply just grunted, "I mean it's my room. I can help?"

"Where is your damn first-aid kit?" He shouted angrily and she took a step back from the beast

The Jealousy Club (TJC) #5- 𝙂𝙪𝙣𝙨 𝘼𝙣𝙙 𝙍𝙤𝙨𝙚𝙨 (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now