|20|:"Nothing scares me more than losing you".

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"H O W?" He asked, as he sits in his conference room, "How did they get their hand on my Queen?"

His rage can be felt by everyone in the room.

"I had protection around her. I had my best men around her. How did she end up like that? How did no one notice that she was not in the castle? How?"

He banged his hand on the table as everyone shake in fear.

"Her brother messed a drug deal". Jimmy said hesitating, "It was when you went to an aquarium. It was a big deal with powerful people. She must have ordered for an open shooting at the mall, but that good for nothing bastard messed that too".


"The police caught him before he could escape". Dylan explained, "The shooting was in the news channel in a few seconds. They caught him, took him in and he must have taken Queen's name next".

"Her father was taken in just now". Jimmy said gasping as he projects the image on the wall through a projector, "All of their properties are taken over and they all are in".

He slammed his hand on the table, "What is happening? I need to see her. I need to go. I am wasting my time here".

He immediately changes into his clothes, and making sure none of his information and places were leaked to Interpol, he went to the place she was kept in. His heartache as he knows what those Interpol people do to the one they caught. He just hopes, she is waiting for him. And that he can get her out.

He enters the headquarters where she was kept, but before he could meet her, the security stopped him. He spent hours trying not to fight the authorities because that will mess things up.

"I will kill you with my bare hands if you touched my wife". He snapped

"Tsk tsk". He heard another sound as he turns to find Akbar walking in, "That's not how authorities work, my friend".

"What are you doing here?" He asked, not in a mood for this crap

Akbar throws a card at him, "This is the access to your wife. I am not sure if you will like the view". He holds the card, looking back at Akbar, "We are not weak anymore, brother".

He didn't wait for any more words as he runs through the corridor, taking the stairs to the basement, unlocking the cold storage. He immediately banged the door open even when it was heavy, walking in as he looks around for her. The fog in the place was making it hard until his eyes adjusted and he found a figure against the wall.

His wife.

He rushes towards her, holding her barely conscious body to himself, trying to warm her as his heart stopped watching her condition. Her body was frozen, her lips were blue, her hair was a mess and her clothes were not even enough to cover her properly. Her eyes, God, he wishes to see her eyes once. To know she is ok. To know she will be ok.

The Jealousy Club (TJC) #5- 𝙂𝙪𝙣𝙨 𝘼𝙣𝙙 𝙍𝙤𝙨𝙚𝙨 (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now