|15|:"He can set fire to anyone, but he will never let a flame touch her".

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S H E stands on the terrace, looking ahead to the garden and the sun stretching on it. The snowfall started soon enough as she continued standing there.

She remembers how he looks when she said those words. The need to not question her and to not believe her was visible in his eyes. He said, he knows she is lying. Then he left. She thought he will fight her, hit her, anything. He didn't. He just left.

She hasn't seen him for at least a week now. There was nothing unusual besides that her men who were following the top tiers have vanished. It troublesome because they were her trusted men.

She hopes they are dead. She doesn't want them alive. They know too much and if they live, whoever gets a hold of them might be able to break them. Though she trained them well for that day. But, no one can be sure.

She has yet to agree to her father demand to go and see Biden. She knows that man, he was after her body for years. Her sister was always a substitute in these years so she didn't have anything to care for.

She doesn't want to meet that man. Not because she can't handle him. Because he disgusts her. The way that man is with the woman is stressful and it gives her creeps. She had seen her sister coming home, disoriented and almost broken every single time.

She shakes her head when she heard the room door opening, she turns around to find him entering. She raises her eyebrows as she stands looking at him. He didn't even turn to look at her as he went into the bathroom.

She shrugged.

She heads to the kitchen to cook something for herself. She doesn't trust the cook here or anywhere. Poison is the easiest and fastest way to kill in her world. She has avoided poison after the first time she ever came across it at the age of 12.

When her father poisoned her to teach her a lesson.

She continued her work, not paying attention to anything around her. The house almost remains quiet throughout the day, that is something she likes.

Her father place was filled with all sorts of noises.

"You can't kill her that way". She heard his voice and her eyes immediately look towards him as he leans on the wall, "She is too smart for something as stupid as this attack".

"You ruined my kill". She said frowning, "It could have been fun if he thought he could get to me".

He smirks, "No one can get to The Queen. Especially when she has her King".

She turns to look at the man who she saw entering through the corridor in his black attire. An assassin.

She twirls the knife in her hand, "Do you think he is here for me or you?"

He shrugged. He walks towards her, placing his hand on her waist, pulling her closer. It's been a week. A week that he didn't see her. A week he felt everything around him turning to ashes.

He didn't like it.

The gap between them. Even if they fight to the death, that is fun. But, not the distance. He tried hard to not show in front of her, knowing she will say things she doesn't want/mean to. Her scent always stays in his room. He comes at night often to stay by her side and watch her sleep.

He has never seen her sleep.

She was always restless, sweating, fighting, begging and whatnot. She never slept long. She always wakes up with a silent scream and he knows she tries to hide her fear.

He wanted to comfort her. He wanted to hold her so she never dreams of anything bad again. He wanted to tell her that everything was ok.

Whenever he saw her on guard, walking around this castle, he wanted to tell her to relax. To not think of this place as a trap, to let herself be. That he had increased security and he had been looking over her so she could rest well.

The Jealousy Club (TJC) #5- 𝙂𝙪𝙣𝙨 𝘼𝙣𝙙 𝙍𝙤𝙨𝙚𝙨 (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now