|3|:"She was uncanny and roaringly threatening".

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S H E smirks calculating in her head as she looks at his men, their weapons and the time of arrival for this train to the next stop in a matter of two minutes.

"I am indeed the one to escort you out of your hole". She said shrugging, "This is not the welcome I was looking forward to".

"Should I have brought more men?"


Her eyes glint with devilment as she charges at the first men taking him by surprise as she knocks him out, taking the gun from his hands.

She turns to look at him tilting her head, "Are they always that easy?"

His eyes narrowed at her, "How do you know about me?"

"Is that what you want to know?"


"Too bad. That is not what I want to talk about".

She shoots the other man leg leaving three more behind including him. She runs towards the other man that looks better than the other which was true because he did manage to get a hit at her shoulder. Too bad, her legs were still in good shape so she jumps on the seat locking him in her legs, pressing hard on his neck until he was down.

Two more. Dylan and him.

She holds the gun twirling it in her hand, "Now, now, I don't wish to knock your second in command today".

"What do you want?" He snapped as his eyes flared at his men knocked out in three minutes

She was fast and calculating through her actions.

She leans on the wall behind her as the train shakes a little looking at him as she accesses his good looks.

"You are the one who decided to not talk with me". She said pointing her gun at him and her rich Italian accent appears in her words, "I promise, this time it was I who wanted to meet you. But soon, you will be the desperate one coming to me".

Before he could have spoken another word, she was gone. The train stopped and he didn't even realise it because he was busy looking at her intently. However, she seems to be in full senses as she ran out and scrambling into the crowd.

"That was hot". Dylan whistled adding fume to his fire, "Who could have thought she looked even better this close? I would have taken that bullet, damn. Jimmy will have a field day"

"Stop talking". He snarled, "Get these men and make sure you torture them well. We didn't waste years of training just to be down by someone in a minute".

"Yes, sir".

He walked out of the compound looking around to find the glimpse of the redhead. His eyes stopped when he finds those twinkling eyes and the smirk that resides on those red tainted lips.

Then she was gone again.

She enters inside the mansion hearing the screaming of some men and saw her father standing in front of the group of men who were begging him as he whipped them with a belt and their blood splashing everywhere.

She shakes her head walking to her room and closing the door behind her. She discarded her clothes that had a few blood stains in the bin, standing under the burning hot water to feel alive again.

She hasn't felt this excited in her life. There was something about him. Something that amazes and drives her insane altogether. She closes her eyes and his dark eyes appeared instantly making her body shudder even in the damn hot water.

The Jealousy Club (TJC) #5- 𝙂𝙪𝙣𝙨 𝘼𝙣𝙙 𝙍𝙤𝙨𝙚𝙨 (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now