|17|:"Don't let your fantasies of me blind you from who I really am".

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"W H A T do you mean by family?" She asked acting oblivious because if she doesn't, they will all be in danger

"Tell me about it". Her stepbrother said as he kisses his wife who moves away in disgust, "Apparently, my son is a stupid".

Mark wasn't stupid. He was Autistic.

She remembers when she saw this young woman- Reina (Her stepbrother's wife) in her house for the first time. She was like a fresh flower and she did warn her, but she was blindly in love.

Soon enough, things turn around. She was tortured, tormented, raped, abused and whatnot. She heard her screams for months. One day, Reina walks to her room, shows her a picture of a bean size in her growing and she knew, she has done something.

So, risking her life, she took Reina out. She hides her away. She didn't knew that all of her hard work will end like this.

Was it him? Did Kabir tell them? How can they find them?

She turns to Kabir who looks back at her. Probably understanding the question in her eyes as he shakes his head desperately wanting her to understand. Did he do it?

"Why am I here?" She asked, looking around for her father who came down with a younger woman, dragging her along the stair by her hair as she screams

Mark starts to cry and her stepbrother hit his face. She clenches her hands, trying her best to not kill him.

"Biden wants you". Her father said, pushing the girl to his guards, asking them to throw her out, "Why is he here?"

She turns to her husband, "We were working on something. So, he came to drop me off and see you for a minute".

"Did he understand that a woman like you is of no good"? Her stepbrother said

"The day father realise that you are of no good will be better". She snapped

"Enough". Her father commanded, "Get ready. You are leaving".

"I said no. I said I am not going". She said, starting to move away

"How about we send her?" Her stepbrother said, looking at his wife, "She is young. He likes young".

"What about that psycho kid?" Her father asked disgusted, "I cannot believe you made such a waste".

"We can sell him. There are people who like to do things to children. They can use him however they want". Her stepbrother shrugged

"I will go". She said gulping as they turn to her, "I have conditions".

She sits in the car when she heard the girl who was disposed of in the snow screaming for help.

"Stop the car". She ordered

She exits the car, heading towards the girl who was barely in any clothes. Her face has injuries and some of her blood covers the snow.

"What do you want?"

"I-I want to live". The girl cried harder

She feels his presence behind her, but her focus remains on the girl.

"What for?"

"What?" The girl asked, confused

"If you manage to live today. You will die every day. You will have to be on run. You can't have a stable job, family and life. You will be paranoid all your life and probably die of starvation, your fears or worse. So, why do you want to live?"


"You can live if you find people who trust and love you". He said

She turns to him, looking at him blankly, "What chances does she have of having that? People always disappoint and when things get hard, they leave".

The Jealousy Club (TJC) #5- 𝙂𝙪𝙣𝙨 𝘼𝙣𝙙 𝙍𝙤𝙨𝙚𝙨 (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now