"Yo, Ezlyn. Once we get there, do you wanna goof about?" Connie grins, wiggling his eyebrows. I smile gently.

"Sure. Once we clarify the ocean is an actual thing." I reply in a soft voice. I look ahead and Hanji turns a corner to go up a hill.

My heart starts pounding in my chest and my breathing quickens. I'm gonna do it, Marco. I'm going to see the ocean for you. I'm going to see it for Marco, Charlie and Else.

We reach the top of the hill and I'm blinded by a bright light. I cover my eyes with my forearm and wince. Everyone around me gasps and I lower my arm.

Euphoria. Complete and utter euphoria washed over me. I was at loss for word's. An unbelievably large, greeny-blue body of water stood before us. Small waves pushing towards us, rippling the water surface.

My jaw hung open. Starstruck by the sight in front of me. I've only seen the ocean in memories or Armin's book, but... I can't believe it's actually real. And this close to home...

I open my mouth to speak but nothing comes out. It's best not to say anything yet.

Connie was the first to move. He jerks his horses reins and starts galloping back down the hill. "C'mon losers! Last one to the sand is Titan fodder!"

Armin was next to follow after him and then I have enough and jerk Gypsy's reins and bolt down the hill. "You heard what he said! Last one there is Titan food!"

The wind rushes by me at insane speeds as I rush past Connie and Armin. The sand flying up behind Gypsy's hooves as we gallop onto the 'beach'. I spot a tree and steer Gypsy in the direction of it, so I can tie her up there.

I slide off the saddle and wrap the reins around a branch. I finish strapping up the reins and run over to the 'shoreline'.

I quickly pull down the zip on the back of my boot and slip my foot out of it. I do the same for the other and toss them behind me, away from the water. I then roll up my jeans from the bottom up until my knees.

I slowly wade into the freezing water, giving me goosebumps on my arms. I go until  the water reaches the middle of my shins, and I bend over, weaving my hand through the crystal clear water. The waves were splashing up my knees, but I don't care.

I feel my breath go ragged and I fall to my knees, soaking my jeans. "I done it, Marco... I done it. I fulfilled the promise I made with you..." I sigh and stand up, looking into the horizon.

"Life is beautiful, yet so cruel," I say in a hushed voice, but loud enough for the others to hear me. I look up at the blue sky, trying to supress the tears that were ready to cascade from my eyes. I smile softly as I think about my Cadet years.

"All people are nothing but tools. It doesn't matter how it's done. It doesn't matter what's sacrificed. In this world, winning is everything. As long as I win in the end... That's all that matters..." I let a pathetic laugh slip from my lips, but it doesn't last long. I start full on crying, letting all the pain I endured in one whole year out, finally.

I take a deep breath and turn round to face my my comrades, with a fake smile to tell them, 'I'm okay', when I'm not. They seemed taken aback, not believing the smile over my lips. Yet, I don't blame them. Most of them haven't seen me like this before. Not since I got the news Marco died.

Levi sighs and approaches me, regaining his posture. He sits his hand on my shoulder, reassuringly. As if he was the big brother I never had. "Ezlyn, no matter what, we will win the next war. We'll... do our best and you do yours." He says confidently, but I knew he was masking something beneath it. I can't sense it, he's too good.

The Bloom Titan (1/2)Where stories live. Discover now