CH.57: Elegance

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(Hello! I just wanted to recommend a song to play during this chapter. It reminded me of Ezlyn and gave me the perfect idea for this part. It's called 'Mother's Daughter' by Miley Cyrus. Start playing it now if you can. Thx)

I drive my dagger across my hand as everyone starts lining up their horses for a suicide charge, lead by the commander himself, Erwin Smith.

Lightning hit's me and I transform into my Titan. Pressure and heat surrounding me as I grow in height.

I open my eyes, relieved that I can see out of both eyes again and go to create a sword and shield, just like I was ordered to.

My hands glow yellow and white objects emmerge from the steam. I made a rose sword and shield then coated it with blue crystal so it was impossible for boulders to break through it.

I notice all the recruits start to charge towards the Beast Titan so, I follow them in a normal walk, keeping up with them perfectly with my long strides.

The Beast Titan has no chance against me and Levi, we're both Humanity's Strongest Soldiers and the Beast is at a disadvantage because of my height and abilities and because of Levi's swiftness and agility.

"Charge!" Commander Erwin shouts at the top of his lungs. They all let out war cry's so I let out a deafening roar with them. The Beast lifts up his hand ready to throw rocks at us. "Now! Fire!" Commander Erwin orders. All the recruits lift up their flare guns and fire green signals.

"It's coming, move!" I yell, my voice being echoey and mature like it usually is in Titan form. They all move into formation as the Beast launches it's boulders at us. I lift my shield up to cover my face and chest. My mind wanders to how the commander explained this mission...

"I'm announcing our final operation! All troops, line up!" Erwin orders. All the recruits that were silently crying to themselves look up with an astonished look on their faces.

They all do as their told and sluggishly get into five rows in front of their three superiors, Erwin, Levi and I. Erwin clears his throat and stands up straight.

"We will be doing a cavalry charge. Our goal: To rush the Beast Titan. Of course, we'll be making ourselves ideal targets. So we'll wait until he's ready to throw and fire our smoke signals together. That should reduce his accuracy somewhat. Captain Ezlyn will be close behind us in her Titan form so the Beast Titan will focus on her. While we're acting as a decoy, Captain Levi will kill the Beast Titan with Ezlyn. That is our plan." He finishes.

A girl in the front row falls to her knees and starts spewing. I look at her with pity. 'Poor girl'.

"Standing and waiting just means we'll be showered by more boulders. Get ready on the double!" Erwin adds. None of them move.

"Are we all... heading... to our deaths?" Floch, who was also in the front row, pipes up.

"Yes." Erwin comfirms. Tears begin to well in Floch's eyes.

"If we're gonna die anyways, you're saying it's better... if we die fighting?" He asks, his voice wavering.

"Yes." Erwin says plainly. Floch smirks and stares at the ground.

"Wait... If we're gonna die anyways, no matter how we die, even if it's disobeying orders, it all means nothing, right?" He laughs humorlessly.

"You're precisely right." Erwin looks at him with dead eyes. All the recruits gasp. "It's all meaningless. No mater what dreams or hopes you had... No matter how blessed a life you've lived... It's all the same if you're shredded by rocks. Everyone will die someday. Does that mean life is meaningless? Was there even any meaning in our being born? Would you say that of our fallen comrades? Their lives... Were they meaningless?" Commander Erwin scrunches up his face.

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