CH.66: An Extra Traitor

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My eyes flutter open to be greeted by the hum of hushed chatter. I'm in the medical room still as I can see the Scouts First Aid symbol on the wall.

"Oh, good morning, Ezlyn." A blurry figure stands up and comes to my side. I rub my eyes and Hanji is standing next to me.

"H-Hanji?" I croak, my voice groggy from just waking up. I sit up and my eyes scan the people around me. Levi, Jean and Connie sat in chairs.

"You had us worried sick." Hanji sighs, sitting down. I quirk an eyebrow.

"How? What happened?" I ask, stiffling a yawn. Hanji laces her fingers together and sits her chin on them.

"Well, last night I came to check on you to see if you'd finished the report. But, when I came in, I saw you passed out on the floor. I wondered if it was the over use of your Titan powers from the day before, but I wasn't sure." She explains. "Do you know what happened, by any chance?"

I tilt my head back against the headboard to look at the ceiling. I can't remember much of what happened before I supposedly 'passed out', but I do remember getting a horrible headache.

I move my head back down so I can look at Hanji. "I remember having a headache. One that sore I couldn't handle the pain and my nervous system knocked me out to subdue the agony. It could've been the consequences of having those memories and the overuse of my abilities."

Hanji hums in thought and nods. "I think you may be correct about that conclusion there." She waves her finger at me. "But, Jeager got memories too and didn't pass out after though. That's whats confusing me."

I suddenly remember one of the main points of the memories. The Curse of Ymir. My eyes widen. "Hanji." I utter, terror making me shake.

"Woah, Ezlyn! What's wrong." Connie blurts, standing up out of panic.

I look over at her. "I-I've got eight years t-to live." I stutter. Hanji's eye widens, shock filling her amber orb.

"What?! How?!" Jean raises his voice and slams his uninjured hand down on the end of the bed.

I swallow a lump in my throat and pinch the bridge of my nose. "The Curse of Ymir. The one who created the Titans died at the age of thirteen, so it's only suitable people that hold a Titan dies thirteen years after inheriting it. I inherited it when I turned thirteen so I'll die when I'm twenty-six. Eight years from now."

Jean grits his teeth. "There has to be a mistake." He says bluntly. Someone walks into the room.

"There isn't." Armin sighs, handing a handful of papers to Hanji. "Eren's saying the same thing, but he will die when he's twenty-three." Hanji skips through the pieces of paper, scanning them quickly.

"Good job, Armin. Go get ready for the audience now. We'll meet up in the cells to get Eren and Mikasa." She stands up.

"Yes ma'am!" Armin scurries off and I glance up at Hanji.

"Audience?" I ask as she offers a hand. I take it and she pulls me up, off the bed.

"We're going to discuss the three books we found in the basement with the higher ranking officers from other regiments, Darius Zackley and Queen Historia in Trost HQ. You should get ready, too." She informs me.

"So then, formal attire?" I inquire, straightening the covers and plumping the pillows.

"Yes. I'll meet you in the left-wing conference room. Jean, escort her to her room and make sure she doesn't pass out again. Check on her while shes changing just in case." Hanji entusiastically 'blinks' towards me as if she were trying to wink. My mouth falls open and I blink at her profusely.

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