CH.26: Danger Within Wall Rose

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A soft and gentle breeze chilled my face. My eyes fluttered open. I was in a bed, there was light coming through the window. I sat up straight and looked around.

The room had no one else in it but me. It had a dresser, a couch, a bedside table and a bench next to the bed. The bench had a note on it so I picked it up.
It read: To Ezlyn. If your awake, I want you to get into your uniform and meet me in the mess hall. If your wondering where you are, you're in the Scouts HQ located in Stohess. I'll see you soon. -Captain Levi.

Why didn't he just tell me himself. I shug my shoulders and sigh. I lift the covers off my body and get out of the bed, the cold floor making me shiver. I saw my uniform hung over the arm of the couch and approached it.

After I had got changed I walked over to the door and slipped my boots on. I zipped up the zip on the back of the leather boots and jogged out the door, down the corridor in search of the mess hall.

My legs were stiff and sore from sleeping so long so I slowed down into a walk. I saw a tall figure standing in the middle of the corridor and wondered if they knew were the mess hall was.

"Hey, excuse me." I say, walking up to them. "Do you know where the mess hall is?" They turned around to face me. It was a tall blonde boy with glasses like Hanji's. I felt like I'd seen him before.

"Oh, Ezlyn. Yes I do know were the mess hall is. If you go down the corridor there should be a massive oak door." He says to me, pointing his finger in the direction of his instructions.


"Before you go have you seen Commander Erwin anywhere? It's urgent." He sits his hand on my shoulder. "My names Abel."

"No, I haven't seen him yet. But thanks for the directions." I say softly. He smiles gently and lifts his hand from my shoulder.

"No problem." Abel says. He then runs off in the opposite direction. I continue my walk towards the mess hall, following Abels directions. His instuctions were correct, I walk down the corridor then see a large oak door that was twice the size of me. I sit my hand on the door knob and turn it. I walk into the bright hall and there was a few figures sitting round tables.

I saw Levi sitting at a table himself, sipping on a cup of tea. I notice he wasn't wearing his uniform, he was sitting there in his formal attire.

I walk up to him and he notices me approaching and turns to face me. "Took you long enough, it's almost sun-down." He bleats, sitting his cup down on the wooden table.

"How long was I asleep for, Captain?" I ask sitting down on the bench across from him.

"Three hours at most, but I'm glad it wasn't any longer than that. We have another crisis at hand." He says placidly. He takes his cup again and takes another sip.

"What do you mean, sir." I ask, leaning forward a bit. He looks up at me and sighs.

"After the fight you had with Annie, a bit of the wall crumbled away revealing a Collossal Titans face." He takes another sip of tea.

"A Collossal Titans face?!" I shout, standing up from my seat. He hushes me and pushes me back unto my seat.

"Be quiet, brat. Only a few people know because we don't want to cause panick. Hanji's questioning a Pastor of the wall's about it at this moment in time. It seems he knows more than us about the walls."

Before I could speak we heard the bells go off outside, saying that a messenger had arrived. That meant something bad must've happened.

"Damn it, is there really more Titan Shifters." Levi swears under his breath.

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