He kissed me and my arms went up to his neck while his found my face. He pulled away only for me to pull him back. "If we keep this up we'll never to your house." I looked at him then at his lips and pulled him in for a kiss but he stopped me before I could kiss him.

"No we can't because if we continue doing this then you then I won't be able to stop and your family is worried about you." I looked at him and scoffed shaking my head. "They don't care about me my grandparents care that's it." I admitted looking up at him while he hugged me.

"I don't want to go there please." He stopped walking to turn around and looked at me. "If you go now I can find a way to sneak in and stay with you. Deal?" I nodded and we continued walking but it take us long before we got to my house. He gave me a hug and kiss while I told him to go through the back door.

He nodded while I went inside the house to see my dad, Stephanie, her kids, and my grandparents looking at me. "Where the hell have you been?!" I looked at him and said out and started walking upstairs but he grabbed my arm and turned me around.

"No you don't just get to say 'out' after you have been gone all day so where the fuck were you?!" I looked over to see everyone looking at us. He started squeezing my arm and i knew that it was going to bruise. I turned back around to see him looking at me with tears in his eyes.

"You know I want to believe you. I really do but we both know that ever since you married her that we don't have a relationship. But the fucked up thing is that you actually think that I consider her family. You think I consider her kids family. Fuck no. You let people you hardly know go with you on the weekend to your business trips but you don't even let the person that your wife gave birth to."

He looked at me with anger in his eyes and grabbed me again but this time my grandpa came up to us and got him off of me. "What you're not going to do is put your hands on my granddaughter!" He looked at me and his anger turned to concern and worry when I tears running down my cheeks. "What kind of father puts his hands on his own daughter?"

I ran upstairs to my room and locked the door. I sat on the edge of my bed and started crying but I forgot I told Tristan he could come through the window so when he tapped on the window I quickly wiped my eyes and opened the window for him. Once he climbed in he looked at me.

"What happened?" I shook my head and said nothing and was about to kiss him but he looked at my arm and saw that it was starting to bruise. He looked angry while I just looked down. "Did he do this to you?" I looked everywhere but his eyes until he grabbed my chin and made me look at him and repeated his question. I quietly whispered yes and he started walking to my door.

"Tristan stop think about what you're doing!" He looked at me and his eyes softened, "of course I think what I am doing I'm going to have a talk to your dad about putting his hands on you because you have a fucking bruise on your arm!" He started walking to my door until I tackled him.

"Please just let it go Tristan! I'm fine." He looked up at me while I was straddling him. "You know I would believe you if you weren't crying and if that bruise you have didn't look like you just got mugged off the street." He wiped my tears and gave me a kiss on the cheek.

"I'll let it go for now but only if you kiss me." I smirked and leaned up to give him a kiss. All of a sudden he flipped us over so I was on the floor and I was going to pull him in for another kiss but he got up and went to my bathroom and a couple of minutes later he came out with some supplies.

"What are you doing? It's nothing serious." He looked at me and put a rag on my arm. "Ow what the fuck?!" He laughed and shook his head and I looked at him like he was crazy. "What's so funny about me being in pain?" "It's the way you scrunch your face up and it's funny because you said it's nothing serious."

I was about to say something but someone knocked on my door so I told them to go away. "Come on Camila it's me?" I sighed and opened the door for Caroline and she looked at Tristan. "How are you feeling after all of that?" I shrugged and said I'm fine and she told me goodnight but not before throwing something at Tristan. I turned around to see what she threw.

"What did she throw at you?" I asked while laughing. He showed me that she threw a condom at him. "You know that we should put this in your drawer so when we do use it I'll be prepared." I watched him as he put it in my drawer and he turned back around to kiss me and he got up.

"Wait you're not leaving are you?" I really didn't want him to go but he shook his head. "My mom will kill me if she wakes up and sees an empty bed but once you're finished shopping text me and I'll buy you an ice cream or whatever the hell you want to make up for leaving." I sighed and told him okay as he gave me a hug and a peck on the cheek but I took his cheeks and cupped them and kissed his lips.

"You know if we keep doing this I won't ever get home right?" "That's the whole point." He broke the kiss and I groaned while he smiled and went out my window. I sighed once I saw him run across the street. I went to the bathroom and looked in the mirror and saw that my dad left a big bruise. He's never put his hands on me so I was very shocked and started to sob because he promised that he would never be like this again but I wiped my tears and got in the shower.

After I got out of the shower I put some clothes on so I could get ready for bed. Kinsley called me to make sure that we were still on for tomorrow and I told her yes and told her that I would talk to her later. I forgot my charger in my bathroom so I went to get it but I saw something on my neck.

I called Tristan and he answered almost immediately "I thought that I said no hickeys!" I showed him the hickey and he started laughing and I rolled my eyes. "You should of told me that in the beginning. You told me that after I gave you one"

"It's going to be impossible to cover this up it's too dark!" I groaned while he just looked at it like he was proud. "Oh don't look too happy because you have some on you too." His eyes got big and went to go look in the mirror and smiled. "At least I can say that I'm proud that someone is sucking on my neck."

"Yeah, well maybe someday we can if we stop getting interrupted." Tristan laughed and said one day. "We still free after you hang out with your friend?" I nodded and told him that I was going to bed and that he should go to bed also. We said good night and got off the phone.

I put my phone on my nightstand and started thinking about everything that happened tonight. "What the hell is going on?!"

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