Cafe Chaos

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It just took one click to cause so much chaos.

When I think about it now .. it was such a silly thing.

I was sitting in a cafe with my laptop and camera editing my pictures. I was so into my work that I didn't notice anyone around me. So the waitress had to knock on the table to pull me into reality when she came with my order. It was nothing much, just a sandwich and coffee.

I was so engrossed in the work that I forgot that I was so hungry.

I just closed my laptop and dug into my food.

It was raining and I had nowhere else to go so I just decided to enjoy my coffee. Coffee and rain is the best combination possible.

My table was next to the glass window. The view outside was so beautiful and I couldn't resist myself. I took out my camera and clicked a few pictures. I can use them in my Portfolio.

Yes, I am a freelance photographer who travels to many places. When I got an offer from this big Magazine Company in Korea, I immediately accepted it. So here I am sitting in a Cafe in the City of Seoul. 

That was one heck of a click.

But then I noticed it, my fav brand of headphones sitting idly on the table in front of me. The guy (probably the owner of the headphones) was busy smiling at a kid outside who was playing in the rain.

He had a diary open in Infront of him and he was writing something in it. He seemed to be so engrossed in that.

But then I saw some girls approached him and his friend just asked them to not disturb him... I don't know why though...

I just went back to my work... but I just couldn't take my eyes off the headphones now.. it was my fav brand and it had a pretty unique design... So after giving it a thought. I just clicked one picture of the headphones and the coffee.

It was a good one.

But he may have heard the click and he looked at me, but his look said he was not pleased.

I was about to apologize for taking a picture of his headphones without asking for permission first. He got up from his table and came to mine and started talking to me in a rude way (a very rude way considering we are strangers).

"Hey..." he said pointing his finger at me.

"What do you think you are doing .. do you not understand the concept of personal space and privacy"

I was so flustered.. now everyone in the cafe was looking at us...I was about to apologize but he didn't let me speak!!

"Why did u click my picture"

"No, its misunderstanding, I did not click your picture, I just--"

" I saw you... don't try to lie" he cut me off.

I can see the people around me were only looking at us

"I didn't.."  I said again and showed him the pictures that I took... It was just headphones and coffee.

But now I was so embarrassed because everyone was looking at me like I committed a major crime. What do these people have to do with it?

Then I looked at his face closely and I realized it. I have seen him somewhere definitely..but I can't remember...

"See its not your picture and I am sorry--"

But he didn't listen to me.

After looking at the picture, he just said nothing and went back to his seat. Not even an apology. Damn it this guy.. so arrogant.

I was so flustered that I just took my belongings and left the cafe. Of course, after paying my bill.  Even the people there seemed like they were ready to attack me.

What is wrong with everyone? It was my first time having such a rude encounter.

What the hell.

I literally ran out of the cafe and after running for a few blocks I realized that it was still raining. Thank god for my waterproof bag.. or else my gadgets would have been dead today.

This was such a beautiful and productive day but that stupid guy ruined it.

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