Chapter 46 Dark Plans

Start from the beginning


According to Fred and George Dumbledore had finally given up on using Harry as a weapon. Dumbledore believed that Harry was too dangerous to live so he planned to have Harry killed at Snape’s hands. However, the Light especially the Weasley women still craved Harry’s money and titles so planned to “extract” Harry’s semen to have control over the next Slytherin Heir.


Apparently Dumbledore had told the Weasley twins that Snape would be using magic to steal his semen. However, according to Harry’s father there were no spells to force ejaculation. Not unless you were including the Imperius curse which meant that Dumbledore was planning to have Snape rape him which had made his father understandably murderous.


The Dark Lord was going to call Snape to him first to find out exactly what Dumbledore had said. Then they were going to figure out a way that Snape would be seen as giving Dumbledore what he wished for without actually doing so. The only suggestion so far had been acquiring sperm from a Muggle sperm bank and giving that to Dumbledore to impregnate the Weasley whore.


‘He’s what?’ Lucius said icily.


‘You heard,’ Harry said equally as coolly. ‘He plans to have Snape molest me so that he can have another bloody weapon. He never learns does he!?’


After everything that was going on at the present one would think that it would make you think twice before repeating the same plan that was ruining you with another innocent child. But Dumbledore it appeared had not one iota of common sense or was just ridiculously stubborn. His plan had failed and so far his only reaction was to repeat the same plan with Harry’s future child.


‘Thank Merlin he doesn’t know about our son,’ Harry said.


Lucius nodded, ‘yes thank Merlin.’


‘Even should his plan succeed Weasley’s child would not be your heir,’ Narcissa said. ‘The child you carry will be older and even if its not if you leave everything to that child then the other child cannot claim anything!’


‘That’s what father said,’ agreed Harry, ‘between death threats,’ muttered Harry.


Lucius snorted, ‘that I can believe.’


‘Well you’ve seen what my father is like in overprotective mode for yourself,’ Harry laughed.


Lucius grimaced, ‘that’s not funny.’

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