Short:CPU Twins Meets Maid Twins,

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Rom and Ram blink as they meet The Maid Twins Ram and Rem

Rom: "Wow Are you two twin sisters as well???"

Rem: "Yes..yes we are." As she hugs on her Sister

Ram: "Wowie it's so nice to meet another pair of twins like us!" She said full of excitement compared to her sister's

Ram (Re-Zero): "Hm I guess it's not that bad meeting another pair of twins it does get lonely here when your the only pair of twins in here." being sardonic as usual

Ram: "It sure is cool having another pair of twins to have classmates with how about we all be friends!"

Ram (Re-Zero): "Sure um what's your name??"

Ram: "Ram!"

Ram (Re-Zero) deadpans

Ram (Re-Zero) "Uh huh....Im also named Ram.."

Ram's expression became more excited

Ram: "Oh Wow another Ram! We should like be called the Ram Sisters! What do ya say!"
As she wrapped her arm around the Other Ram who Sweatdrops

Ram (Re-Zero): "Well um you see I already have a sister, so I'm not looking for adoption right now."

Ram: " Come on it could be fun with us Rams!"

Ram (Re-Zero): "Geez your loud..."

Rom and Rem watched on

Rem: "Don't mind my sister she's like this but she can be really caring deep down." Smiled a little

Rom: "I see, and don't mind my sister too she's quite energetic but can cause a short fuse sometimes.. but despite that she's still a good sister."

Rem: "I see"

Ram chased Ram (Re Zero) around

Ram: "Come on we can play together! Bake together! I mean we are both last minute born young than our sisters yet we take lead!"

Ram (Re Zero): "Stay back! I already told ya I have my own sister, I don't need another!"

The others watched on

Blanc: "Ram go easy on your tackles." She said while working on her novel

Subaru: "Come on Ram join her, it's not that bad!"

Ram (Re Zero): "My answers still no!!" As she ran

Charlie: *eating an apple and begun thinking* (Should I tell Dbz I'm not actually my creator yet....probably later I mean it doesn't hurt to reveal later hehe)"

Yang: "So what is our first lesson??"

Ainz: "Our first lesson is survive this chaos Yang....Survive this chaos...."

As Both Rams ended up ramming desks and even ramming some of the others out of their seats

Vert: "Oh my....." as she was one of them

Soejammy: Wa-Wah!!! *As he fell off* He-Hey!! Watch it you two!"

Weiss: "Tch....*as she was getting back up and fixed her desk*"

Albedo's hand rises up and slams on to her desk as she slowly rises up making Ainz nervous

Albedo: "Disgusting dare you knock me over!!!" As she joins in the chase

Ainz panicked as he sat up attempting to stop Albedo

Ainz: "Albedo no! They are just playing tag!!"

Neptune: "No they aren't, they are ramming!"

Ainz: "Neptune I swear I'm gonna end your life one day..."

Neptune: "You can't do that, you done it already! Back in Cedrick's!"

Cedrick smacked her from behind with a ruler

Cedrick: "Nope no 4th breaks today Missy!"

Neptune: "Too late....Owie...."

The room begun shaking as tables, papers and chairs are seen flying everywhere while the others attempt to stop the chaos

Roswaal walked in just in time to see the mess

Roswaal: "Oh now what is this??"

Both Rams pointed at Albedo

Ram: "She did it!"

Ram (Re-zero): "She did it all mighty Roswaal."

Albedo: "How dare you put the blame on me when it was you two!!! Grrr I should turn you both to ashes!"

Roswaal: "we do not cause death here, only pain"

Subaru: "Somehow I'm not surprised you're saying that..."

Soejammy: "Can't we all have a peaceful class time..."

Charlie: "Hey what can I say School sucks."

Soejammy placed his head down

Me: "Well this is a nice first day..." Sweatdrops

Roswaal: Oh and we just starting mister Dbz."

Nep pops in

Neptune: "Also about damn time you update this hell, About time you even update a story at all!"

Me: "*Place tape in her mouth* Hush!"

Neptune: "Mmm!! *Fell down*"

Vegeta: "Finally taped her."

I sighed

Me:"It won't last of course"

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 08 ⏰

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