Goddess meets Useless Goddess and the Annoying Neptune

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Few hours after Iris Heart's fun with the Isekai Class

Roswaal came back inside from his "meeting" only to find most of the Isekai cast aside from a few like Ainz covered in bandages.

Roswaal: "Sorry i was late Class the meeting took longer than I thought."

Subaru: "*rolls his eyes *Oh yeah sure....you know that's a horrible excuse to leave us here alone with the whip wielding woman!"

Roswaal: "What do you mean?" *Confused*

Kazuma: "Oh You know what he means....You obviously left so you don't get to endure Iris Heart's Playtime!"

Roswaal: "Iris who?" As he tilted his head

Ainz: "She's the girl wearing clothes that look like pajamas who's over there sleeping."

Ainz points at Plutia who has fallen asleep with her head down.

Roswaal: "Hmm......I don't see how she could be a problem to you all, she looks like a nice little girl to me."

Aqua: "Believe us she isn't what she is and what she did is beyond terrifying!" *shivers in fear*

Plutia: "Zzzzzzz....Can anyone please be quiet I'm trying to naaap...."

Charlie: "So cute.~" *smiled*

Ruby: "I got to admit she does look rather adorable when she's asleep."

Roswaal: "See what's wrong with you all at least the new students here are accepting her."

Ainz: "That's because they know her more and I know them."

Roswaal: "Oh my, did you say you knew them the new students do tell."

Ainz: "Yes I have, I met Goku and his friends along with that Neptune and the CPUs...keep in mind she's the most annoying person..."

Neptune pouts at the comment

Roswaal: "Interesting, Oh that reminds me it seems I'm missing a few more students that were supposed to be here today."

Goku: "Wait What, there's even more that were supposed to show up?"

Roswaal: "Yes but oh well, I'm sure they'll come late. I almost forgot I need to be at another meeting why don't you all introduce yourselves for a bit?"

Me: "Your leaving again at this time??"

Roswaal: "Why yes."

Subaru: "I swear if this is another excuse to leave....."

Roswaal: "I assure you this isn't a trick."

Kazuma: "I got a bad feeling he's just leaving us just so he doesn't get hurt....."

Roswaal then left the class much to the twos dismay

Subaru: "And he left typical...."

Kazuma: "*Sighs*"

10 minutes had passed and none of have yet to introduce themselves to each other so Aqua decided to volunteer

Aqua: "Well since this is our first meeting with the new students I guess *puts up one leg up on her desk* I'll introduce myself greetings I'm Aqua and I'm..."

Neptune: "Your the Useless Goddess am I right?"

Aqua was shocked and pouts

Aqua: "Hey I'm not Useless who told you that Kazuma?!"

Kazuma was laughing in the background after hearing Neptune calling Aqua Useless

Aqua: "I'll have you know that you should treat me like a Goddess unlike you girls!"

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