• Prologue •

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This is a sequel so I reccomend you read my first Sally book "Wait For Me" for some things to make sense. Okay, enjoy the story 😊

(Sally's POV)

3 years. That's how long I've been locked in this goddamn cellar. 3 damn years. Only get food once a month and I get tortured every first Friday of a month.

It was like any normal day. It's a Tuesday and I'm eating some seaweed. I was chained to a wall and there was a chair and a table all the way at the other side of the room.

Then I heard fighting from outside. I roll my eyes. Probably some guards... Then the door opened. I refused to look at the light emitting from the door so i keep staring at my seaweed. I assumed that the person that opened the door was the bitch that tortured me every first Friday so I say "What do you want, Amanda? It's a Tuesday."

The person scoffed and said "That's not a nice way to greet an old friend." Wait... I recognize that voice... "Julia?" I ask. I finally look at the figure and don't even mind that the light is practically blinding me. "Bingo." She says. Julia doesn't look very different. But there is something that noticibly changed. Instead of legs, she had a bright purple tail.

In came a slightly familiar albino girl who had a white tail. "Sal, this is Luna. You might know her." Julia introduced me. "Hoot." Luna said then laughed. "Guess who just found out thst milk is the antidote for every potion?" Luna pointed at her sister. Julia and I rolled our eyes. "Just get me out of this chain." "On it." Then Julia uses a spear she had to break the chain.

Then the door started banging. "C'mon, let's go!" Julia ripped some black wallpaper from the wall to reveal the broken window. "That was there the whole time?" I asked. "You never wondered where the window went?" Julia deadpanned at me. "Guys, no time! We gotta go!" We all swam out of the window.


When we finally arrived at Julia's cave, the two sisters jumped out of the water and immediately turned back to humans. I get a little nervous. "Hey, Sally, you okay?" Luna asks me. I get nervous. "Girl, just get out of the water, you'll turn back. It's part of the potion." Julia told me.

I sigh. I hoisted myself up and sat on the edge of the cave. I held my tail above the water. After a few seconds, my tail begins to glow and when the glow went away, so did my tail, and it got replaced with legs. "See? Once you get out of water you turn human. You can only turn back into a mermaid if you go in ocean, sea, or river water. Not bath water or anything." Julia told me.

"That's a relief." I reply as I try to stand. I almost fall over but luckily, Luna helped grabed my wrist and pulled me so that I wouldn't fall. "Thanks." She gave a little salute.

"Hey, Minecraft, catch." I snapped my attention to Julia who suddenly threw a bunch of potions to me. She also called me by my marriage surname. Luckily, I caught them and they didn't shatter.

"What are these?" I ask while struggling to carry all them. "All the potions you'll need." She told me before biting down on an apple. "Okay, first, how am I gonna carry these? Second, what will I need them for?" I ask her. "Show her, Luna."

Luna then walked over to me and held my purple shell necklace. "Shelly, give me a chocolate bar." Then the shell opened and a chocolate bar jumped out and Luna caught it. I stared with wide eyes.

"She responds to the name 'Shelly' and thats how she opens. She's kinda like siri." Luna told me. "What's that?" Luna then scratched the back of her neck. "Right, sorry, forgot you didn't know."

Julia continued to explain "You can store items inside Shelly and command her to give it to you. You can only take the things that you stored though." I look at the shell. "Huh. Thanks."

"Try it. Introduce yourself first so that she recognizes your voice." Luna told me. "Hello, Shelly." I say into the shell.

"Hello, new person. I do not recognize your voice. If you wish to store or retreive things inside of me you have to tell me your name."

"I-I'm Sally." I say.

"Hello, Sally. Do you wish to store things inside me?" I nod. "Yeah." "And just put the potions inside." Luna told me. I put the potions inside the shell and they magically fit. "Woah..." I mutter.

"And, you'll need them to go back to your human." My eyes widened. "What?! But... How?!" Julia laughed "Did we mention that Shelly has a tracker. You ask where someone is and she'll take you to them." Luna told me.

"That's incredible." I say. Julia then looked a little guilty "Hey, Sal. Sorry for selling you out 3 years ago.... They had me at a bad spot..." She said. "It's okay, Julia. Besides, you totally made up to it."

"You should probably go now." Julia suggests.

"Oh, right. Thanks guys." I jump into the water and my legs immediately turn back into a tail.

"Shelly, take me to my kid, Fundy." I say into the shell. "Tracking Fundy..." I waited for a while. "Found... They're in the... Dream SMP." I look back at the sisters and say. "Both of you, thank you."

"Shelly, give me my invisibility potion." Then it jumped out of the shell and I caught it. "Bye guys." I wave to them and down the potion. Then off I go.

Without you... I'm just a sad song.

You're the perfect melody,

The only harmony I wanna hear.

You're my favorite part of me,

With you standing next to me,

I got nothing to fear.

I'll always find a way to come back to you... Will you wait for me?

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