Little Hokage (hanabi X Komahamaru)

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"I'm gonna be howage!"

I giggled at my boyfriend who was at the moment regressing. He can be so cute when he's small!

"yes darling you're going to be a wonderful hokage" I said rubbing noses with him "but right now the hokage needs his lunch. You can't rule the hidden leaf on a empty stomach!"

"mmm the howage will awow this" Komahamaru yelled.

I giggled and got him his lunch. He ate the whole thing messily. I pulled out a napkin and gently dapped his face.

"hehe I wove you hawawi" he said jumping on me and knocking me to the ground "wets wole the hidden welf village towaver!"

"yes my komi let's rule it together" I said kissing him all over his face.

"eww no kissies" he said sticking his tongue out in disgust.

I giggled and grabbed him by his scarf, forcing him to the ground. I then jumped on top of him and lay on his chest so I could listen to his heart beat.

I ended up falling asleep on my childish boyfriends chest, listening to his heart beat.

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