JennaFiore | romance

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Wattpad: JennaFiore
Instagram: JennaFioreBooks

Jenna's style is well-planned, sexy, full of sarcasm and heart

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Jenna's style is well-planned, sexy, full of sarcasm and heart. Her characters are a bit offbeat, and that's my wheelhouse. I can't wait to own a physical copy of The Pinkie Pact. She is a lover of all things romance, utilizing exclamation points!, chocolate, Chris Hemsworth, and admits to having a flip-flop shoe addiction. One can never have too many, right?

"I adore all things romance because it's such a great escape at the end of the day. But I also love stories with some heft. If a story makes me laugh and cry? Well, I'm pretty much guaranteed to love it. And that's what I aspire to do. Not sure if I succeed, but that's the goal!

I love to write about big guys with even bigger hearts. I also had a blast creating a story with a male character who's shy in bed and a different story with the female "bitchy" character turning out to be an amazing friend."

What can we expect from you?
Five completed works, and one ongoing that I'm thisclose to finishing offline. Those dang epilogues always get me. I'm attempting to publish some of my stories on Amazon and other retailers, and it's proving to be quite the interesting process for sure!   

 I'm attempting to publish some of my stories on Amazon and other retailers, and it's proving to be quite the interesting process for sure!   

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What do you love to read?For years and years, the only genre I ever read was Scottish historical fiction

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What do you love to read?
For years and years, the only genre I ever read was Scottish historical fiction. But weirdly, when I started writing, my first story was YA paranormal romance. Not sure where that came from! And now, I mostly write contemporary romance which I've now started reading.

I'm totally addicted to reading on Wattpad because I love reading and writing comments. It's incredibly insightful and just plain fun, and I find myself getting lost in them.

What are your writing routines like?
I write on the weekends and early evenings. When my brain goes dead around 9 PM, that's when I love to read. Chocolate is always beside me while I write. And when I'm struggling to write a mature scene, that's when the wine starts to flow. Otherwise, I get in my head and imagine my late relatives reading it over my shoulder! Yikes!

I always listen to music when I write. Sometimes, I'll listen to the same song on repeat for hours because it inspires me for a specific scene. If I'm stuck, I try walking, music, reading, watching TV or movies, talking it out with the hubby, taking a break, allowing myself to write crap.

What do you love about Wattpad? And what can be hard?
The readers, supporters, and friends I've found on Wattpad have been absolutely incredible, and I'm so grateful for them! I live for comments and kind words. Writing, in general, has been such a great escape for me. And if even one person enjoys something I've written, I am beyond thrilled.   

Fortunately, it's rare, but the occasional not-so-nice comment can really sting. My story The Pinkie Pact seems to get a reaction from people and has been placed on reading lists called "garbage" and "hated it."

But others seem to love it, and that's what keeps me going. If anything, Wattpad has given me a thick skin, and sometimes, the comments that hurt have actually been very helpful in the editing process.  

Tell us your favorite authors, genres, and who should be featured in the Spellbound Anthology.
I adore all things romance, my first love being Pride and Prejudice. On Wattpad, I have so many favorites, I'd feel bad if I left one out. But I have a reading list called "Completed and Loved" that has all my faves so far. And there are still so many to read!

You probably have some of them listed but rubyranawrites, JessicaLouAuthor, LACannon, huntersandlavender, llscribe, priyankaareddy, WolfUnderTheMoon89!


Hit the star at the bottom and leave Jenna your comments! Get a snippet of The Pinkie Pact on the next page and make sure to add her to your reading list. She can be found at JennaFiore.

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