SkyJWright - Poetic verse excerpt

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M. Diary of a Tainted Heart is a short story by SkyJWright,

 Diary of a Tainted Heart is a short story by SkyJWright,

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Dear Diary,

Heaven is a dangerous place to be.
Never heard of Icarus?
He'll have a tale for you.
But my wings weren't made of feathers and wax but of freedom and trust.

I took a stroll down Kalispel after the coffee pot accident,
my nose scrunched up as I followed a contrail vanishing thin in the sky,
and then its reflection in the lake on a sunny day.

Its duplication so close to my heart as I saw my state of mind
reproduced in the ghost of a plane.

Freedom is a dangerous place to be, Diary.
And I walked its pavements with too much confidence,
too bold to see the green shades of its city limits.

Call me Nemesis, lick my poisonous tongue,
pet the snake biting my heart.

I am free now, Diary, but not as you think.

Truly yours,


Dear Diary,

I still don't know where I am but this room is different.

Like its walls and its ceiling,
like the sheets of my bed and my clothes.
Like my face.

My wounds have healed but not my memory.
I live my past through flashes of red.

Cherry pie?
Apple of my eye,
I dip Cupid's archery in purple dye.

I sit on my grey bed, in my grey suit and take my head into my grey hands,
how did I get here?

Grounded, confident, concrete me?

Bathed in sunshine, kissed by the tears of a relentless thunderstorm
I live it again and again.
Hands brush gently, lips join ravenously,
I fall and keep on falling,

Clio, Erato, Melpomene!

And I see it all.

And when I open my eyes
I'm met by the frustrating unwelcoming tones of my reality.

I pace back and forth,
a thousand steps and more,
then I start again,
from zero to infinity,
a thousand nevermore.

No rest for the wicked

Then I stop.

I listen to the ever-present sound of silence,
my pencil heavy on the yellow paper


Please click on Sky's (SkyJWright) name to get more verses and a look at her espionage series.

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