Chapter 23

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I'M BACK BESTIES!!! So so so sorry for the long hiatus ya know. 😝Huge thank you to those of you who stuck around! I'll make it worth your while I promise! I'll be updating this story weekly I hope! In the mean time check out my new story "The Last Semester" the first 3 chapters are available now!

"Babe? You here?" You call into the foyer shutting the door behind you. You set your keys on the entryway table as your calls go unanswered. It's the middle of the afternoon on a Wednesday, she should be home. You of all people know her schedule better than anyone.

Rounding the corner you can see light coming from your office down the hall. She's perched behind your desk as you come around the doorway. Her hair sits in a mess on top of her head and her eyebrows pull together as she focus intently on something on your desk.

"There you are love. What're you doing in here?" She looks up at you placing the piece of paper holding her attention back down on the desk. There's hurt behind her eyes. But also anger.

"When we're you gunna tell me about Chop Shop?" She asks with an edge to her voice and you exhale loudly bringing a hand to the back of your neck. She read the email.

"Lizzie forget about it. We had a lot of other stuff going on. It didn't seem important."

"Really Y/n? Come on. The biggest potential break in your music career and it just slipped your mind?" She stands, coming around the desk propping herself against its front as she fold her arms across her chest.

"Why are you mad at me right now?" You answer in shock. "Excuse me for being a little bit preoccupied with being blackmailed by some scumbag with the potential of losing the love of my life. I didn't intentionally hide this from you Lizzie. Why would I?"

"Hmm. I don't know Y/n," her words drip with sarcasm, "maybe because the one record label who's reached out to you in the last century also happens to be the one currently signed with Milo Greene."

You step back like the wind's been knocked out of you. Unable to process the lack of support from her comment.

"What are you getting at right now Lizzie?" You ask as your anger builds at her implication. She scoffs, rolling her eyes as she moves from the desk toward the exit.

"No. Say it." You block her escape, placing a firm grip on each of her arms.

"Don't touch me!" She's yelling now as she tries and fails to escape your grip.

"Fucking say it Lizzie. You're thinking it! SAY IT!" You raise your voice matching hers as you blink away traitorous tears.

You can feel the fight leave her as she slumps in your grasp, defeated. She curls her arms around herself as you release her before she answers,

"Just be honest with Y/n. Please. I deserve that much. Did you ask him for this?" Turning away from her, you close your eyes filling your lungs with a shaky breath. How much time passes, you're unsure. You head clouds with anger, hurt, disappointment, and heartbreak.

"You know what I deserve Lizzie?" You ask, venom dripping from every word.

"I deserve a girlfriend who truly believes in me. I deserve a girlfriend who supports my dreams without just blowing smoke up my ass!" My voice begins to tremble as anger fills my lungs.

"I deserve to be with someone who thinks the world of me." You turn back, bringing your face inches from hers as you continue, "Instead of someone like you, who thinks the only talent I possess is fucking my way to the top. How dare you!"

She lowers her eyes to the carpet beneath you as a tear falls from each cheek. You can see the regret behind her eyes. With a shaky breath she raises her chin to meet your gaze and asks,

"Are we ever going to get past this?"

You exhale loudly. Completely gutted at the sight of this broken woman before you. Stepping toward her, you place a hand on each of her cheeks wiping away tear stains.

"Baby, look at me." She bring her eyes to yours as they glisten with fresh tears.

"You and I are never going to make it," her chin quivers at your statement sending fresh tears down her cheeks as you continue, "if we both can't get past our past. You and I both have some demons. Both, unfortunately, centered around the same person and we both have to heal from that. Together and apart."

You step back holding Lizzie at arms length as she wipes at her eyes.

"I'd like to go talk to someone with you. Would that be ok?" Her eyes snap to yours with an emotion you can't decipher.

"Like a shrink?"

"A therapist, yes." You half-smile before continuing, "I think it'll be good for both of us. You're it for me Lizzie. I knew that the night I picked you up out of the rain. I love you." You kiss her forehead as she slumps against you wrapping her arms around your midsection.

"Even if you think my music is shit." You nudge her playfully as dread flashes across her features.

"I am in awe of your talent Y/n. I'm sorry for making you doubt that with my jealousy. If this is a label you want to pursue, then I support that decision one hundred percent and I'm so incredibly proud of how far you've come. Your music is a priority for me too. I know I have a shitty way of showing it but I'm sorry and just know that I'm trying." She sniffs raising her head from your shoulder to meet your eyes.

"I love you." You lower your lips to hers gently as she melts beneath your touch.

"I love you too." She pulls back looking up at you with a passion you've never seen before. She blinks a few times as the weight of the last few minutes hits her. Her eyes begin to glisten again with fresh tears as he places a hand on either side of your face drawing you just inches from hers.

"I need you" she chokes as she lays her forehead to yours, sniffling softly. You pull her to you wrapping her in a tight embrace.

"Then I'm all yours."

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