Chapter 14

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"And that is a wrap on Lizzie." You can hear Joe Russo shout into the megaphone from your corner off set. Applause breaks out mixed with a few cheers as the cast and crew surround her in celebration. She glances in your direction, waving casually for you to join her.

As you make your way to her, an overwhelming emotion sweeps over the set. Brie, Tessa, Zoe, Karen, Gwyneth, Evangeline, Danai, Pom, Letitia, and Lizzie circle around each other in awe of one another. The room celebrates these women and the strength each individually possess.

Brie sees you first, stepping out from in front of Lizzie as your eyes meet. Her arms are around you in an instant as you brace for her full body weight and applause rings out again behind you.

"You are incredible, sweet girl. I am so proud of you. Look at what you're a part of!" You gesture to the set around you as tears fill her eyes. You kiss her lightly setting her on her feet. Tessa makes her way up to you both then, stringing an arm around each of your shoulders.

"Can I just say how much I love this! And you!" She pulls Lizzie toward her kissing her forehead briefly. You giggle joyfully overcome by the love and support not only for this amazing human being you love, but for the love you have for one another.


"You rented a Wrangler?!" Lizzie asks with a chuckle as you pull up to the hotel lobby. Her sunglasses sit on the top of her head and she pulls at the strings of her gray zip up. Black joggers and yellow converse chucks finish her "road trip" look.

"You bet your ass I did. Now get in, you're the one who wanted to do this in the first place." You round the back of the Jeep throwing her suitcase into the trunk.

"Someone's cranky this morning, what no Pride Flag to hang out the window?" She jokes, mocking your choice in vehicle once again.

"Don't tempt me Lizard." You quip as you unmute the radio allowing Melissa Etheridge's "Come to My Window" to blast through the speakers. She throws her head back against the headrest as cackling laughter bellows from her chest.

As you near the Georgia state line, you glance over at Lizzie and smile. Her feet sit casually on the dashboard as the sun glistens off the rim of her sunglasses. Her head bobs lightly to the now Top 40 that plays softly from the stereo as she busies herself twirling a lock of her hair between her fingers. She can feel your stare, turning to you she smiles.

"I love you." You state, reaching over and placing your hand atop her thigh squeezing gently. She clasps her hand around yours answering silently.

"So, what's the hot cool thing to do in Casey?" Lizzie turns in the passenger seat to face you as she tucks a leg under her.

"I think you've drastically overestimated the impressiveness of my hometown." You say with a chuckle. "You can drive through town in a little under 7 minutes, I can count the stop lights on one hand, BUT it is the home the World's Largest Rocking Chair."

She stares at you, genuine amazement on her face and you laugh, bringing your attention back to the road.

"You hungry?" You ask changing the subject. "Nashville's about 45 minutes away. We can get off there and find something."

"You had me at Nashville." She answers with a grin


"Here's your spinach salad, and your grilled cheese and tomato soup." You sit in the courtyard of the Moonshot Coffee Bar in downtown Nashville opposite Lizzie as the waitress places your food on the bright orange bistro set.

"Anything else I can get you two?" She asks politely, staring a little too long in Lizzie's direction. She's oblivious of course already pulling out her iPhone to snap a picture of her meal.

"All set. Thank you." You answer firmly giving her a curt smile as she heads back inside. You turn your attention back to Lizzie and notice her camera has gone from pointing to her salad to pointing at you. She chuckles,

"You know, you're cute when you're jealous."

"I don't know what you're talking about." You say dismissively taking a large bite of your sandwich. She reaches across the table interlacing her fingers with yours before she continues,

"I know we don't really talk about how my job affects you." She pauses collecting her thoughts. "But I need you to know that this life, this ounce of popularity, the random person who recognizes me as I walk down the street, none of it matters without you."

You kiss her knuckles tenderly as the waitress joins you again, topping off your ice waters. Lizzie winks as your hand twitches in annoyance. She looks up, thanking the waitress and you notice her gaze locked on your interlaced fingers.

"No problem. Hey sorry to ask, I'm sure you get this all the time, but, you're in those Avenger movies yea?"

Lizzie nods her head shyly, "I am yea, Elizabeth nice to meet you." She holds her hand out to the waitress who takes it immediately, shaking it wildly.

"Wow that's awesome! My son, he's six, he absolutely LOVES those movies!" Lizzie looks to you then as a pang of guilt flashes across your features and you pull your hand from hers.

"That's amazing! Thank you! Babe do you have a pen?" She looks to you brushing the her hands on her pants as she grabs a napkin. "Sorry, this is my girlfriend y/n." She adds casually as you hand her a pen from your purse. You nod in her direction with a small wave as Lizzie asks, "What's his name?"

"Atlas" She answers with pride. Shock still evident on her face.

"Oh gosh what a cool name! Well you tell Atlas how grateful I am for him and what a cool superhero name he has ok?!" She hands her the napkin scribbled with a tiny note and her Scarlet Witch signature her face matching the genuine smile the waitress fails to hide.

"Oh he's going to love this, thank you! Sorry to bother you both, again. Anything you need, let me know!" She dances back inside as Lizzie hands you back your pen and you can't help but stare, joy, amazement, and awe fresh behind your eyes.

"What?" She asks after a beat.

"That was the first time you called me your girlfriend."

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