Chapter 13

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"Tonight's Breaking Headline: Avengers actress Elizabeth Olsen, comes out as bisexual, putting dating rumors to rest saying 'I was unhappy and dishonest with myself for way too long. Trying to please everyone but myself. Love has never been gender specific in my life and I just happened to find it in a woman, an unbelievably caring and beautiful woman.' Elizabeth stayed tight lipped on who this mystery woman is although a source close to her says, 'they're ridiculously happy together.'"

"You know I think you could've found a couple more ways to call me beautiful." You yell into the kitchen as you take a chopstick full of noodles into your mouth. The E!news headline flashes across the television as Lizzie joins you on the couch, a bottle of red wine in hand.

"But then how would your guitar strap fit over that head of yours?!" She jokes, snuggling into the crook of your legs taking a long sip of red wine. You feign hurt and she giggles kissing your temple.

"Seriously though, how are you feeling after all this?" You wave your hand toward the television, all jokes aside. She pauses for a beat to collect her thoughts. Her index finger traces the rim of her wine glass as she stares off into the distance.

"It's like for the last two years of my life, I've been standing at the edge of this cliff with my toes hanging off the side. And everyday, a little piece of rubble or rock would fall out from under my feet and I'd get that much closer to falling over the edge." She pulls at the corner of her eye willing the tears away before she continues, "Then I met you and you were the cargo net at the bottom of this canyon. The rocks kept slipping from beneath my feet, I knew the charade of the person everyone wanted me to be was falling out from under me but it didn't matter because you were there at the bottom. So I jumped. And there's nothing more freeing than falling and falling and falling knowing that you are what's gunna soften the blow."

She looks up at you, your own tears now matching hers as you place a soft, shaky kiss along her knuckles.

"I am so proud of you Lizzie." You breathe, awe-struck by this woman in your arms who chose you.

She places her half-empty wine class on the coffee table then brings her full attention back to you. She places a knee on either side of your hips, stringing her fingers through your hair massaging gently.

"I love you." She whispers against your lips as a soft moan escapes. She molds her lips to yours gently and you open for her immediately. She lifts her hips as you tilt your head back so as not breaking your connection. Her hips lower with the gentlest of pressure as she begins a rhythm that makes your stomach tighten. In an instant your hands grasp her thighs firmly and with a gasp, she's on her back as you hover over her. You pause for a moment catching your breath as she stares ups at you with swollen lips.

"I love you too."


"Hey babe?" You call down the stairs hanging over the banister to catch Lizzie's attention. She pops her head out from the study in response.

"One of the production assistants just called, they want you for reshoots all next week."

"Where, Atlanta?"

"Mmhm" You confirm as you make your way down the stairs laptop in hand.

"Put it on the calendar and book the plane tickets, just make sure you have everything you need to work remotely."

"Tickets?" You ask emphasizing her pluralization. "Aren't you forgetting the time off you promised you're incredible girlfriend so she can go see her family?"

"Shit, y/n I'm sorry. Hey, how 'bout this: You come with me to Atlanta for the week then you and I rent a car and drive up to see your family. Just you and me on the open road!" She bounces excitedly on her toes in front of you, pleased with herself and this idea she's come up with. You roll your eyes as a smile pulls at your lips unable to maintain your annoyance at her lack of memory.

"What makes you think you're ready to meet my parents?" You jab, blatant sarcasm in your tone. She pushes her bottom lip out in a pout as her hands lace together under her chin.

"Please, baby it'll be fun!"

"You know you have a full schedule for the next month that I'm going to be up all night rearranging just so my mother can brag to you about her vegetable garden."

"But I thought you like when I keep you up all night?!" She winks placing a quick peck on your lips as she continues back into the study. You follow behind her continuing to feign annoyance.

"What airline and what hotel?" You ask giving up with a huff and she squeals with excitement pulling you into a tight bear hug.

"Delta and anything Marriott! Ugh Y/n it's going to be so much fun! Thank you! I can't wait! Don't tell your parents I want it to be a surprise."

Her excitement is infectious as she places featherlight kisses from your ear to your lips. You inhale a gulp of air taking a deep breath as the panic grips you. You're bringing a girl home to meet your parents. You're bringing Elizabeth Olsen home to meet your parents.

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