Chapter 1

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"Hey Y/n?"

You look up from your list of unanswered emails as you hear her voice booming from the upstairs bedroom.


"Such a big house for two people who are never home," you think to yourself as you ascend the spiral staircase in the foyer.

"Yea boss?" You round the corner of her bedroom to find her in a scattered mess of evening gown after evening gown. You quickly cast your eyes towards the ceiling as you realize she's only in her Spanx.

"Jesus, Lizzie really?! You're naked what do you need?"

"Oh please it's nothing you haven't seen before. Which do you like better?"

She holds a black lace strapless jumpsuit to her chest and does a twirl, making sure to catch its black train in the wind. You marvel at her carefree spirit and allow her lightheartedness to wash over you. You've worked for Lizzie now for almost a year and you've never understood how at ease she puts you. Through everything, the scheduling conflicts you have to fix, the late night rants about pages and new projects, and even the nights you pick her up off the kitchen floor after a blow out with her boyfriend.

That's why you took this job after all. You certainly have enough on your plate trying to get your EP released while gigging every night, but Lizzie made this job easy.

"Earth to Y/n?!"

Three blinks and your vision focuses back on Lizzie currently holding a green long sleeve cocktail dress up anxiously waiting for a decision.

"I like them both, which one are you leaning towards?"

"Ugh so not helpful! I like them both too, hence your presence for the tie breaker"

"And this is for the Infinity War premiere?" She nods as she walks to the full length mirror to help decide.

"Is Robbie going?" You regret asking the second the question leaves your lips as you notice a blush creep up her neck. From anger or embarrassment you're unsure. Elizabeth and Robbie have been dating off and on for a little over a year now and their relationship is trying to say the least. He's constantly on the road with his band and work has really been picking up for her too. Their time together gets put on the back burner most days. You've never seen her happier with anyone else though even if he treats you like "the help" whenever he's around.

"No, he's got a show" it's only slight but you notice her subtle annoyance at this confession.

"Hey" you stare at her through the mirror placing a comforting hand on her bare shoulder hoping to communicate through your eyes that you're there for her. Through it all. You smile weakly.

"I like the black one. It's just the right amount of slutty."

You wink and playfully swat her ass as you move to her bed sitting criss-cross apple sauce to go over the rest of this week's schedule.

"So the premiere's at the end of this week and we decided on the black yes?"

You hear her mutter agreeance from the closet and continue,

"You have the press junket tomorrow and then Robbie's show downtown that night. That all sound good?"

She emerges from her closet, fully clothed, in what can only be described as "Lizzie leisure-wear." She wore and oversized gray t-shirt tucked into black joggers. Her hair a messy array of chestnut and gold tied on the top of her head.

"If you mean sitting for 8 hours in a room of rotating strangers asking the same questions in different ways and then going to support a man you just found out couldn't possibly love you as much as he loves his career, then yes, that sounds good."

She holds it together so well, but you've known her long enough now to know she's close to breaking.

"What can I do?" There are so many other things you want to say in this moment but you know right now all she needs is a fixer. Someone to let her Type A brain rest instead of going through a million what-ifs a second.

She pauses, almost as if you can see a light bulb illuminate above her head, then asks,

"When's your next gig?"

Your eyes snap to hers as you contemplate if you heard her correctly. Never in the last year has she asked about your music. Sure it's come up in small talk and she hears you singing around her house every now and then but this is the first real interest she's shown.

"Uh, the same night as Robbie's actually. I figured you'd be with him so I'd have a free night. I can totally cancel if you want, it's a seedy bar downtown real small, nobody'll probably show-"

"Y/n, it's fine don't cancel I was just curious."

She pauses for a second fidgeting with the small gold chain around her neck. She takes a seat on the leather bench at the foot of the bed leaning her elbows into the mattress. You can tell she's fighting an internal battle in her mind then asks,

"Do you mind if I go? Kinda get my mind off things for the night. No pressure if you don't want me there."

"Oh my gosh Lizzie I would LOVE that! I mean like I said it's nothing huge and in a shitty part of town but you are definitely welcome to come out!"

Lizzie smiles warmly as her eyes begin to water. She had been reminding her self a lot more often that this was the life she'd always dreamed of. This was the life she watched her sisters have and hoped one day to be a success of her own. She didn't realize the sacrifices that would force her to make.

Friends were nearly impossible to see with any sort of consistency and clearly she couldn't make a healthy relationship work but one thing she knew she could never regret was the day Y/n's resume crossed her desk. She'd become more than an assistant over the last year and for the first time in a very long time felt genuine excitement for their plans together.

"I have dinner ready downstairs. I'm gunna head home if there isn't anything else you need and I'll see you bright and early for the junket tomorrow."

You collect your things and climb off the bed playfully throwing the black jumpsuit you decided on back at her as you head toward the door.

"Goodnight Lizzie," you sing as you step out into the hallway.

"Hey, Y/n...?" You quickly pop your head back in awaiting instruction. She looks at you, smiles and simply says,

"Thank you."

You close the door behind you, grabbing your bag, laptop and keys wondering how the hell you're going to be able to perform a full set with Elizabeth Olsen in the audience.

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