Chapter 22

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"So things with you and Elizabeth are ok then? Even after..." Cass trails off silently getting her point across as she takes another sip of her drink.

"We're...getting there." You breathe out as you notice a weary look cross Cass' features.

"Look, I broke her trust. That's on me. I remember how it felt to see her all over Robbie when they were together so I get it. I think it'll just take some time. But I've honestly never felt anything like this before. For anyone. Lizzie's different. She makes me want to be the best version of myself for her and for me. And I can't lose her again. I won't."

The bartender sets down another round of drinks and you swivel in your chair meeting Cass' gaze. It's nice being able to catch up with an old friend, even if Lizzie wasn't super thrilled about the idea. Cass is harmless, you reassured her of that and what's a couple drinks anyway?

"Ugh, I just feel so horrible about the whole thing!" Cass runs a hand through her hair as she brings the beer bottle to her lips once more before she continues,

"What a scumbag though, honestly. I swear to you, y/n I had NO idea what he was playing at."

"I know, I know. I don't blame you at all. I just...It so hard for me to wish it never happened because if it didn't I wouldn't never met Lizzie. Ya know? It's like this weird fucked up twist of fate." You chuckle sarcastically to yourself slowly tracing the rim of your glass.

"Have you heard from him at all?"

Your eyes snap to hers as you contemplate if your heard her correctly. She shrugs her shoulder playfully and you roll your eyes before answering.

"God, no! I told him I'd get a lawyer involved after he sent the video and I haven't heard from him since. Thank God. Although I have a hunch he's behind Chop Shop reaching out to me."

Cass cocks her head in confusion as she finishes the last of her beer.

"They emailed me the day we left Illinois. Apparently their A&R rep wants to set up a meeting. There's been so much going on since then I haven't reached back out."

"Are you kidding me y/n?! That's incredible!" She reaches over grabbing both of your shoulders and shakes you excitedly. She settles herself back on her barstool before she continues,

"You have to reach back out to them! Or I could if you want? Chop Shop is right in you're wheel house. A perfect fit honestly!" She rambles as you run a hand through your hair.

"It's not just a little bit convenient that Milo Greene is signed to the same label?"

Her face falls immediately, realization taking over.

"Yea. Exactly." You place your elbows on the bar holding your head between your hands. You can hear the wheels spinning in Cass' head as you massage your temples.

"Let me do some detective work. See what I can figure out. If it's a solid lead, I'll let you know."

"Like your last solid lead?" You snap and you instantly regret it. You turn to meet her gaze placing an apologetic hand on her thigh.

"That was rude. I'm sorry."

"I guess I deserved that, but don't let it happen again." She winks placing a couple twenties under her beer bottle.

"Let's get out of here, wanna split an Uber?" You stare momentarily at your half drunk cocktail and check the time before turning toward Cass.

"I'm gunna hang out a bit. Maybe have another drink. It was great catching up tonight Cass. Don't be a stranger." You wrap your arms around your friend squeezing softly as she does the same.

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