Chapter 5

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The mental checklist ticks off in your head, making sure you have everything you need for tonight's event. One final glance in the office and a swift catalog of all the the items in your purse and you head to the foyer to meet Lizzie.

"I'm sorry I can't be there tonight baby girl." Robbie has his nose pressed to her temple as his hands massage her backside. She gives him a familiar look, a look you saw not 10 minutes ago upstairs, as she leaves a small peck on his lips.

"I love you."

You clear your throat as you brush past swiftly.

"I'll meet you in the car. Robbie, nice to see you again, as always." The door slams behind you a little louder than you meant it but you continue your strut to the car trying to calm yourself down with each step.

As you settle into the back seat, your phone vibrates breaking you from your annoyance. You see a missed call and text message from your mother.

         m: call your father please. he misses you.    

Leave it to your mother, on a day like today, to add guilt to your list of emotions. You set a reminder in your phone to make that call, genuinely craving the thought of catching up with your best friend. Your dad's always been your biggest support system. He always wanted more out of your life then Illinois could offer and he did what he could to make your dreams come true.

The passenger door opens as you quickly return your phone to your purse as Lizzie situates herself next to you.

There's a silence that fills the space, as the driver takes off, that is not only deafening but awkward. You can feel her eyes on you but you make no move to stop from memorizing the water spots on the car window.

Suddenly you feel her pinky brush yours, sending a bolt of electricity through you. Within an instant her presence is all you can think of. Her perfume permeates the entire car making your head spin. Your pulse quickens as she traces the outline of the small tattoo on your wrist.

"Love you most." Lizzie whispers reading the small script positioned vertically just under your thumb. You turn your attention down to your wrist as she continues her trail up your arm.

"My Dad says that to me all the time. He's got the same one on his forearm." You meet her eyes with a far away smile, remembering the day you decided on tattoos with your dad.

"You miss him." It's a simple statement more than a question as Lizzie studies your face seeing the guilt behind your wistful smile.

You nod minutely as you turn your attention back to the water droplets. Silence settles in the car once more as the driver pulls off the highway.

"Do you love him?" You ask into the silence, concentrating heavily now on the car window.

"Your dad?!" She asks trying to lighten the mood. "I dunno I've never met him." You can't help but laugh as you turn to her noticing the playfulness fall from her expression as she contemplates the true meaning of your question.

You watch as sadness, fear, embarrassment, and stupidity all flash across her beautiful features.

"Please be honest with me." You plead as you reach out a gentle hand brushing the hair off her shoulder.

After a beat she answers, "I don't know." It's certainly not the answer you were hoping for, but definitely not the worst answer she could've given. Her eyes shift downward and you see her chin begin to quiver. Reaching out you lift her chin so she meets your gaze.

"Hey." Her eyes meet yours, tears threatening to escape as you continue, "I'm here for you Lizzie. Anything you need. That's my job."

Your hand cups her cheek and she leans into your palm finding comfort in the smallest of gestures.

"I need you," she confesses as she meets your gaze once again. You stomach tightens as the words leave her mouth and you can't help the smile that pulls at your lips.

"Then I'm yours." You whisper gently as you close the space between you two and place a delicate kiss on her forehead.

The car slows and suddenly you're surrounded by flashing lights and booming voices. You pull away quickly as you give Lizzie one final once-over making sure nothing is out of place. In an instant you see her walls build right back up as she opens the car door entering the chaos.

Your quick to her side as your fingers clasp around her elbow, guiding her through the crowd toward the carpet.

"It's photos first then interviews," you remind her getting straight into work-mode. "I'll be right behind you if you need anything ok?"

You give her a reassuring squeeze and direct her to the long line of photographers screaming her name from every direction.

You watch in amazement as she takes her time moving from mark to mark making sure to look in every direction possible. She catches a remark from one of the photographers and a bubbly laugh escapes her. It's effortless for her.

As you continue behind her, mesmerized by her every move, in an instant you feel the wind knocked out of you from behind as a large figure trips over you nearly leveling you in the process.

As you try, with as much grace, to regain your balance, two hands grab your shoulders helping you upright followed by the smoothest British accent you've ever heard.

"Ah, sorry love, you alright?"

Shock and embarrassment flush across your face as the realization dawns on you.

"Shit, Hiddleston."

Lizzie's AssistantHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin