Chapter 9

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"Things are really good here Dad. My job's great, Lizzies great. I'm really happy." You prop the phone up to your ear with your shoulder grabbing the two iced coffees from the counter as the barista calls your name.

"That's great baby girl but hows the music going. That's what you moved out there for isn't it? That boss of yours doesn't have any connections?" You roll your eyes stepping out into the midday LA sun.

"Dad stop. I didn't take this job to use her for my own benefit. I gig three nights a week and have a bunch of leads I just need to follow up on. You know how much this means to me"

"I know darling, I just worry that's all. I miss you. Think that girl will give you a few days off anytime soon?"

"I'll see what I can do Dad. I gotta go. Talk soon ok, give mom my love. I love you."

You end the phone call situating yourself outside the conference room of Marvel Studios as you wait for Lizzie to finish her meeting.

It's been a about a month since your sleep over with Lizzie and the two of you have been pretty inseparable since. Robbie's still in the picture, much to your distaste, but honestly as more of just a prop than anything. And whether you want to admit it or not your Dad is right. You can't remember the last time you were on a stage for yourself and not Lizzie.

The conference room door opens just then and you look up as Lizzie chuckles at a joke you couldn't hear and waves goodbye.

"Coffee sweet girl?" You hold the cup out to her as she rounds the corner standing in front of you. She leans down placing both hands on either side of the cup and kisses your forehead.

"Thank you."

"You're in a good mood" You chuckle rising to your feet as you both head toward the car. You've come to terms with the fact that Lizzie's public displays of affection are few and far between, never with people around and certainly never in her place of business.

"I have news! Let's go." Her eyes dance with excitement as you back out of your parking spot and head back to Lizzie's.

"What is it? You're like a kid on Christmas over there." You chuckle watching her fidget in her seat when she finally answers speaking a mile a minute.

"They want to make a show about Wanda and Vision. It's gunna be on Disney's new streaming platform. It's like a mix of 'Vision and the Scarlet Witch and House of M' it's set after the next Avenger movie and its episodic, maybe six or eight episodes they said. They're pitching it to Bettany tomorrow, he thought he was fired! Can you believe it? Wanda Maximoff in a stand-alone feature!"

"Lizzie that's-" you're at a loss for words. Happiness is an understatement for how you feel looking at the joy on her face.

"This is life changing Lizzie truly. That's incredible, you're gunna be amazing!"

She squeals running her hands over her face. You slow to a red light and she leans over grabbing your face between her hands.

"I love you." You gasp, hearing the words you've always dreamed of coming from her lips for the first time. She kisses you hard and passionately.

"God, I love you too." It's the easiest statement you've ever made and a weightlessness surrounds you as you breathe her in. Horns blare behind you and Lizzie giggles as she pulls back, allowing your concentration to return to driving. You reach over taking her hand in yours resting gently on her lap, craving her touch any way you can get it.

"So, I was thinking," she starts rubbing her thumb along your knuckles. "I leave for Toronto tomorrow for the Film Festival to promote 'Sorry for Your Loss.'

You wait for her to continue knowing her schedule like the back of your hand. When she doesn't you press, "And?"

"Come with me. Just you and me for the weekend. Our little getaway."

Your mind races through your timeline for the next 3 days and you curse yourself thinking of the gigs you'll have to cancel but you will, because the idea of a vacation with Lizzie, work related or not, make your answer and easy one.

"I'm in."


"Baby, we gotta go, the Q&A starts in 30 minutes we're gunna be late." You situate yourself on the edge of the king bed centered in your hotel room as you fix the lace on your left shoe.

"Do I look okay?" You look up from your shoe and see her standing in the doorway. Her hair pulled over her right shoulder falls in loose waves over a dangerously low cut onyx blazer that pulls together just above her navel. The matching suit pants hug her thighs and taper just above a simple strappy  black heel.

"Fuuuuck." It's the only thought you can muster. The sight of her literally stopping you in your tracks. You gather yourself making your way over to her drinking her in with every step you take. Once in front of her you slowly trace along her skin from her ear down her sternum. You hook your finger into the apex of her suit jacket and pull her to you.

"I can't wait to take this off of you." You whisper against her lips. 

"Who said we had to wait." She closes her lips around yours and reaches for the hem of your blouse massaging the bare skin just under it. You pull back panting resting your forehead against hers.

"Oh no no no I plan on savoring this all night long." You kiss her neck as she pulls at your shoulders. You look up, pulling her bottom lip from her teeth with your thumb and exhale, "Lets go. The sooner I can get you back here the better."

She giggles grabbing her things as she heads to the door. She hold the door for you as you grab yours phone off the desk a notification catching your eye.

STAR MAGAZINE EXCLUSIVE: Elizabeth Olsen Questionably Cozy with Personal Assistant.


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