Chapter 12

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*I don't own any of the lyrics used in this chapter*

It's been a couple weeks since your blowout with Lizzie. Thankfully, for both of you, work for her has slowed down dramatically so you've been able to work remotely. You've tried your best to give her the space she needs but that hasn't stopped the handful of text messages you've sent to check on her. All of which have gone unanswered.

The door swings open at the local coffee shop you've holed yourself up in for the last week. You continue with your email correspondence, undeterred with the world around you.

"Y/n, hey!" You freeze as she stands over you, iced coffee in hand. Your eyes close, taking in a deep breath as you bring your eyes to Olivia's. After a beat of silence, you return to your laptop, typing frantically.

"You could've at least sent me a thank you!" She spits sarcastically placing her drink onto the table you're working from.

"Enlighten me Olivia," You quip, closing the lid of your laptop, "what the fuck do I have to thank you for?" She can see the hurt in your eyes as she softens taking a seat next to you.

"Look, I'm sorry if I over stepped with those photos, but it got the paps off of you and your girlfriend."

"What are you talking about? I told you Lizzie and I wer-" She stops you mid sentence, placing a comforting hand on your arm.

"I'm not an idiot y/n, and I'm certainly not blind. I've gone to at least a dozen classes with you and all you've been able to talk about is that girl. Even on our pity date, you found any opportunity to bring her up. I wish someone made me light up the way you do when you talk about her. So I did you a favor. I tipped off a pap and got them off your scent."

You stare at her dumbfounded. Thankful, in a round-about way, that someone would care enough about you to orchestrate something like that, especially after you strung her along for as long as you did. You sigh, tension dissolving from your shoulders, as drop the charade for the first time.

"I'm sorry, Liv. For everything. You didn't deserve to be collateral damage." You run a hand through your hair and your thoughts shoot to Lizzie.

"Hey, no hard feelings. I wish the best for you too. Honestly. She's an incredibly lucky girl." Olivia compliments as she takes another sip of her drink.

"Somehow I don't think Lizzie sees me sticking my tongue down your throat as 'lucky'," you sigh as you head continues to spin with possibilities of saving your relationship.

"She's no saint either y/n. How long did she keep Robbie around just for show?" She asks with a wink rising from her seat. She pulls her sunglasses from her head placing them over her eyes then continues, "Just talk to her y/n, if she loves you like I know she does, she'll see the bigger picture." She turns with a smile leaving you to your thoughts.

You unlock your phone finding the nerve to send a single text message:

    y/n: Rhythm Room LA. 9pm.


The bar buzzes with jovial patrons as you make your way backstage for your set. Lizzie never responded to your message but you half expected that anyway. The one silver lining from all this is how much you've been able to focus on your music.

Looking down at your set list one last time you hear the bar manager take the stage as the music dies down.

"Ladies and gentlemen, here to perform songs from her highly anticipated new EP, please help me welcome, Y/n!"

You rise from the table you're seated at, stepping around the two monitors, and situate yourself behind the mic stand. Billiards clack off in the distance, beer bottles clink together as a low hum falls over the bar. You take a quick scan of the room as you introduce yourself and your heart sinks a little as you find no familiar faces.

Picking up your guitar and hoisting it over your shoulder, you begin your first piece. It's uptempo and fun, getting the crowd clapping and on their feet. You feed off that energy, forgetting momentarily you've essentially been stood up.

Your set flies by in what feels like an ethereal dream. The crowd is absolutely loving you, whether that's from your actual talent or the 2 for 1 specials, you're unsure.

A commotion stirs as you finish one song and move to the next. In the far corner of the bar you notice a few iPhone flashes go off simultaneously. There, perched on a barstool, your eyes snap to Lizzie's. And for a brief moment, nothing else in the world matters. She came. She cares. Your eyes begin to water, overcome with emotion as you clear your throat and begin your final song. Simply stating, "This one's for you."

"Ain't nobody hurt you like I hurt you
But ain't nobody love you like I do
Promise that I will not take it personal, baby
If you're movin' on with someone new

'Cause baby you look happier, you do
My friends told me one day I'll feel it too
And until then I'll smile to hide the truth
But I know I was happier with you

Sat in the corner of the room
Everything's reminding me of you
Nursing an empty bottle
And telling myself you're happier, aren't you?"

You move to the bridge of the song, trying to best to keep your emotions at bay. Your eyes find Lizzie's as she stands, slowly making her way toward you. The dim light bounces off her skin like moonlight, her eyes glistening with unshed tears as your voice begins to crack. She pulls her sweatshirt over her hands and pulls her hands to her face both shielding her appearance and emotions.

She pauses a few feet away behind a row of tables as you finish your song. With a shaky breath, you thank the sparse audience, turning to put your guitar back on its stand.

You turn back around and she's there and everywhere, consuming you. Her hands tangle through your hair as her lips crash to yours with an urgency that takes your breath away. Your tears flow freely now as she melts against you and your arms cradle her slight frame.

Catching your breath, you place your head on her forehead and notice for the first time, the attention you've attracted. "The photos," You whisper against her lips and her eyes meet yours.

"I don't care." She breathes pulling your face back to hers with a tender kiss.

"I'm sorry," You sob, crumbling around her.

"Me too."

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